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Towards a Perfect Democracy "Alternatives"

Chapter 1

It Pains

I was born and brought up in this Country. During my early years, specially when I first gained analytical conscience, It was painful to see the surroundings. A feeling of confusion enveloped me and I could not decide whether I should feel happy or unhappy for this act of fate, that I was born here, in these surroundings. As I matured, I realised that it does not matter and should not be a cause of worry, one’s first physical appearance in this Universe is beyond the control of any living being, that the first act of appearance and the last act of disappearance (which some people say death) are the only acts where fate plays its role. All other intermediates are very well steerable and rather, may be, its an opportunity provided by nature, because of which one is positioned in a particular situation, for the purpose of steering the surroundings, for taking the unknown Universe to its unknown objectives a step closer, a purpose greater than mere existence. Now I am quite sure of this.

Though many years have passed by since I was born, and by my age I am supposed to be accustomed like most of others to the surrounding, but for me It is still painful to see people of my rich Country struggle for bare necessities, It is painful to see my dynamic Country struggle for basic education to its people, It is painful to see my countrymen struggle for their rights and justice, It is painful to see my countrymen struggle for anything and everything. For me it is painful to realise that in my Country bad luck is inherited just as good luck is.

This is certainly not the situation that anybody would desire to be in. To be a part of a bunch of strugglers, struggling for everything and reaching nowhere. No Government can be called efficient if this is the situation of its subjects. When a Government can not even provide the basic amenities, (which nature otherwise provides) then that Government is a hindrance to progress and it certainly serves no purpose to be a part of such a Government if it exists.

A Country, which enjoyed a glorious and enviable past, If it falls into such a trap then certainly something must be wrong almost everywhere. Only incompetence and misgovernance can make it possible for a country to reach such a deplorable state of affairs. More so, it is a clear indication of the fact that the roots of the system are rotten which is wilting the leaves, weakening the branches and killing the whole tree.

Any State which is alive only on memories of its assumed glorious past, and has nothing to its credit than the doubtful memories of its past buried in history, can be said to be in neck deep misgovernance and heading towars its final fall.

I strongly believe that people are supreme and the Government secondary. Government is not created for the only purpose of controlling people and curtailing their freedom but for furtherance of the common welfare of people and making each generation more prosperous in all walks of life. Any prudent and reasonable person will conclude that, first it is the Government which is for the people and then it is the people which are for the Government.

The indispensable object of formation of a Government, of any kind, in any age, must be, equitable distribution of good and reduction of evil. In a State all the laws curtailing freedom of individuals are drafted and directed to achieve this objective. Such laws are in existence to insure that the freedom may be enjoyed equally, without any disparity. The parameter of judging whether Government is serving its purpose or not is that the people must enjoy a life-style better than in the situation if they were to live without a Government and in no case the quality of life should be below the level of a no-government case. If the life-style falls below that level then the system and the Government have no purpose to exist and must be changed.

At the same time it does not mean that enforcing equality, specially material equality should be the objective of a Government. States which are governed by the objective of providing equality in material wealth are basically deteriorating their system and making it less competitive. By stressing on material equality, they glorify the role of money beyond the actual value of it. By enforcing forcefully equality among all, such States forget that, equality among unequals again leads to inequality. There are other spheres also where equality is required, inequality in intellect, skills, turning opportunity to events, efficiency, etc. are some of them. Any method of enforcing equality in them does not exist, because these parameters are not quantifiable. Any enforced material equality among two persons who are unequal in skill, their contribution, merit, intellect, education, knowledge etc. is nothing more than inequality of the highest order.

Applying the same parameter, can we say that we are better off after more than half a century of a new style of governance ? Any unbiased person will Judge it to be not the case and will certainly reply in negative. It is often rightly concluded that our life is no better than the life we would have been living under the (assumed extended) old style of governance i.e. before this democratic setup or even the colonial setup, giving the possible progress and growth achieved with the resources available, during those years in that era (and projected growth in the present times) due weightage.

It would be an offence of persuasion if my assertion is not supported by even one example. My Country became independent in 1947, at that time the literacy was around 20%, half a century later the literacy is still around 50% (even after adopting relaxed parameters for counting literates). Shameful, isn’t it ?

It was very much possible to enforce education in such a way that every adult up to the age of 60, today would have been educated, literate and an asset but not a liability on my Country. This could be possible, only if there was the slightest will to act in this direction by the then or any subsequent Government. If only they had made a resolution and said that ;

let’s leave the people who are illiterate, let’s only concentrate on the people born from now onwards and all those who are of school going age as on date. Let’s educate everyone who has reached school going age as on adoption of the new democratic setup and all those who take birth after 15th Aug. 1947, let’s resolve that we will provide education to all those newborns by whatever means, even if it means disadvantaging a few and taking a few strict steps, (of the nature which we take when someone does not pay his/her taxes and Government revenue).

But alas, no such person or Government existed who had such a strong will or even the will to act in this direction, the fact is supported by the present day conditions. It is no exaggeration of phrases to say that to keep the people in their present State i.e. illiterate and less privileged was a tactical tacit conspiracy of the rulers of the modern day Government.

Today less than 6% people are above 60 years of age, that means, even if we assume all of them to be illiterate (i.e. before independence), still a minimum of 94% of literacy could be achieved, had we adopted the above mentioned resolution. Even if today the above resolution is made, after 25 years all the population up to 30 years of age would be educated and a force to drive this Country, I wish it could be.

Illiteracy is not the only ill, ever increasing crime and corruption is not a small matter, the exponential growth in corruption can not be without reason. A State where less than 2 % of the population falls in the economically affluent class should be otherwise also a cause of worry. This worry escalates when we realise that the general public is of the opinion that the majority of the affluent people owe their prosperity to illegal and corrupt practices.

Material prosperity for self, acquired through whatever means, has become the ultimate objective of 98% of my countrymen. Corrupt people and people engaged in illegal activities have become role model for the general public. It is acceptable to the general public that once one is selected for a public position, one can become rich overnight. Stories of political people and public figure, who earn millions overnight through their mysterious ways, galore everywhere, these stories inspire people to follow their path. If this is not a clear reflection of the state of affairs, then what is ?

Economic selfishness in excess of the basic necessity is not the natural reaction of most of the people. In my country it is acquired by continuous learning. When the people are not materially sufficient and they face financial hardships even for their survival and basic necessities, they by compulsion learn selfishness which is carried on to fantastic heights even when it may not be required. They may even choose any means including that of crime and corruption or any other foxy means to gain economic independence. Certainly for all of these common people philanthropy comes second or even much lower on the count.

I am well aware of the fact that it is not only me but a whole generation of people who crib about omnipresent misgovernance in the initial years of their life but as the time passes by they become the part and parcel of the same system. I remember a quote from a great thinker who said that if you are not happy with the Government and the State either try to change yourself to adjust to the State or leave and migrate from the State or change (i.e. reform) the State. All of us follow the simplest course and want to lead a comfortable life as a result we may try the first and the second course of the advise but never the third as that is toughest, but once achieved is the most static.

I would advocate following the third option and this writing is undoubtedly directed towards that purpose. I believe that if there are people who are disturbed by their surroundings, they must follow the third option till the time they live or the change for better is effected. I know by writing my thoughts alone it may not be achieved, though written words are less ambiguous and last longer than spoken words but big changes are brought by big leaders and big leaders do not conquer the mind and heart by their pen but by their words, still I feel that by jotting down some of my ideas and opinions I can kindle a feeling of change in a few who can be my companions along the path or follow their own path, may be entirely different from mine but for betterment and common good and furtherance of the purpose of life. This is certainly a hope against hope.


[ Content | Preface | It Pains | The Obituary | The Objective of a Government | The form of Government
The People |The Representatives | The Political Parties | Elections | The Government | The Legislative
| The Executive |The Judiciary |
Thoughts | About the Author | Views and Opinions | Order and Join ]