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Towards a Perfect Democracy "Alternatives"

Chapter 13


The outlines have been discussed by me, but the scope of reforms is endless, the misdeeds of centuries can not be undone in a day. The ideal situation in many matters concerning my Country can only be thought of at this moment, the implementation can be many years away, quien sabe?

Every function of the Government needs a thorough overall review, specially the matters directly concerning the public like education, law and justice, entertainment, health and welfare, lawful rights of the public etc. Some of the dream desires would be as scribbled below.

Nation, State and Patriotism:

No idea can be bigger than an individual, no matter how great it may seem to be. Nation, State and patriotism are nothing more than concepts. Who needs a State or a Nation ? Probably none certainly not 99.9% of people. The concept of Nation was born only for the personal good of a few and later on adopted by average common people without giving much thought to it. Regardless of whatever may be said and done, national pride and patriotism serves no good to the mankind.

Imagine the situation where all the feelings of national pride and patriotism is exchanged with feelings of universalism, common good and benevolence, the good it will do to the mankind would be unparalleled.

Imagine a One World-One State, no military, no arms for destruction, no wasteful expenditure on wars and self defence, imagine the savings of man-hours and the saved opportunity cost to the mankind, imagine the purpose it will serve, imagine the furtherance of the objectives of the mankind, imagine the resources at disposal for the common good of all.

I do not say that we should not protect our State from the people with evil or say not so benevolent ideas, till the time any State is able to move in this direction, it must protect its boundaries from others and work for the good of its subjects, it must have a national or a independent identity. Keeping an eye on the interest of the State, the ultimate objective of a Perfect Democracy should be to work in the direction of unification and Globalization of governance.

Time is now ripe for the World to move towards higher objectives, for uniting and standing for "One World - One State". Time is now ripe for a new generation of cosmopolitans to be born. Enough is enough, any more adventure in a different direction will make us the laughing stock of the future generations. We must remember that immaterial of how much pride we have in our Nation or how much belief we have about the glory of our Country, whole is always greater than its parts.


Religion has been the driving force of civilisations and Nations from time immemorial. How religion came into being is not known. Though thousand of theories are propounded about it. It is logical to assume that the first inventor of religion must be an above average human being who wanted an instrument, other than weapons, to control others and at the same time to regulate the conduct of the average people of the time. Different Religions over the years have been remarkably successful in their objectives. Hundreds of religions have been floated and thousands of sects, all with the same objective, that of controlling others and in the process the inevitable result would be power for the propounders.

It is not proposed that there is no God or as I prefer to call it a Supreme Power but hitherto unknown power. In absence of any evidence for non existence of any such power, it is possible that a supreme power may exist. Without entering into an ontological discussion, let us agree that God or no God, religion serves no purpose.My approach is more of agnostic than atheist.

Though the inventor of the religion ought to be given the benefit of doubt in his intention for inventing the concept but certainly the intention of the later propounders is doubted and the weightage points against them. Majority of propounders belong neither to the category of atheist, theist or agnostics but to the category of ambitious people, many time they are even mentally sick and not fully developed in mind, people with permanent fixation of ideas.

The need of religion in the Universe or for a smaller section of World i.e. a Country can be questioned ? The biggest question which will arise is, If we need any religion any more ? I am of the opinion that its certainly not required, the past couple of thousand years have shown us this, religions have outlived their purpose and objective, if any. In the present times they have done more harm than good. In the age of logical thinking and reason different religions are providing reasons for being unreasonable and negatively emotional. Religious and cultural differences have provided illogical reasons for countless wars and bloodshed. More people have died because of religion than for any other reason or by any single weapon.

In a Perfect Democracy, till the time a person is mature enough to believe in a particular philosophy of religions, he should not be assumed to hold a religious philosophy just by reason of his birth. All the people should, if they must, assume and declare their religion after the age of 18 years after thorough study and deliberation. They can choose to follow any religion in their private life or choose to follow none or choose not to believe in the concept of religion. They should not be disadvantaged for any of their beliefs.

Ideally, in a Perfect Democracy, there should be no religion, it does not mean that no one would be allowed to practice his/her belief in philosophy of a religion, or worship, or have a place (temple) for its philosophical religious practices. All such religious places should be manned only by people who by virtue of their education and not by experience alone are well versed in religious matters and practice. It is must that the people who act as priests have passed an examination equivalent to masters degree in philosophy and have knowledge about all the contemporary religious philosophies of the area. All appointments in a place of any religious temple should only be by a selected Committee on religious affairs (which must be subordinate to the Chief Executive Committee).

The State shall not restrain a person from doing any of the above acts, these acts should be covered in the rights of a being, but the State shall officially not recognise any religion, or allow public propagation of religious philosophies. The State shall not declare any holiday for the reason of religion and not give any legal recognition to any religious belief over and above any law or base any law on any religious custom or belief just for the reason that a considerable people believe in it. The State shall not allow any public display of religiously motivated shows and the stories of supernatural powers of religion and religious believers. In a Perfect Democracy the objective of the State regarding religion should be, to eliminate any and all religious philosophies by constant education and cooperation of the people. The religion should be rooted out by generating public opinion and logic and not by force. In the present age the State is very powerful. It has powerful mass communication media, which the earlier generation never had. These mass communication tools are so powerful that they can change the thinking of masses in the span of one generation of human life, which otherwise, in any other times, would have been 8-10 or more generations.

People are supreme, their interests are supreme, if religion is to be sacrificed for common good, it must go to the altar. It must be always remembered that, God is only a possibility and man a reality.

Education :

Education is the back bone of any system, In a Perfect Democracy it is very important that 100% of its subject be literate and educated. The very concept of a Perfect Democracy rest on it. In a Perfect Democracy the right to choose is only with the educated. To make a State strong all the people should have a right to choose without compromising the quality. In the interest of a powerful Nation, all people must be educated.

The ideal case in Perfect Democracy demands that the course of study for its people be selected with utmost care and importance. The course of study must be screened by eminent educationists, psychologists, technologists and philosophers who understand the final objective of a perfect State and can identify themselves with the State. The emphasis should be on logical and reasonable study material which is open in nature and evokes questions and develope an analytical and inquisitive nature in a person.

The curriculum of the first 12 years of education should be such as to further the object of a Perfect Democracy, it should be directed toward an objective of universal harmony and unification. The curriculum should not contain any religious philosophy or teachings and the literature should not contain any story about supernatural events. For the first 12 years, no such thing should be taught which is not practical and is not practised and can not be seen or felt.

After the first 12 years of education there should be no minute scrutinising of the teaching material and the student should be free to read anything and form any opinion. This is because till that time the mind of a person is impressionable and any thing which appeal to a immature mind may find a permanent seat there and it would be difficult to erase it completely later on. Till the time, a person can decide for himself and analyse himself, he must be fed with only logical and reasonable teaching.

The complete formal study plan should be same for the complete State and there should be no change from area to area. The curriculum of education must be of the same standard and should be recognised everywhere in all areas. The ideal situation and objective would be, where consensus could be formed on universal level and the complete World follows one pattern and syllabus of teaching and education. Let the best brains of this Universe join together and serve the mankind, which the mankind deserves. Let’s not waste more on unproductive contradictions, but work to be still closer to our objective.


This is as I said, just a draft of some of the proposals and at present seems to be most appealing. Many hours of brainstorming, contemplation and discussions have gone into it. This does not mean that I have surrendered my right of future amendments, one may become wiser with each passing moment, provided one is convinced with the reasons.

[ Content | Preface | It Pains | The Obituary | The Objective of a Government | The form of Government
The People |The Representatives | The Political Parties | Elections | The Government | The Legislative
| The Executive |The Judiciary |
Thoughts | About the Author | Views and Opinions | Order and Join ]