Final Fantasy Rpg/Ffrp
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Character Levels and Magic/Materia Explanation
Materia-based Magic
Drawpoint Magic
Stone-based Magic
Innate Magic Ability
Innate Magic Abilities
Innate Magic Abilities are those found to be in certain people that do not require drawpoint, stone or materia magic.  These beings are typically more than human, such as genomes, Sephiroth, Guardian Forces or Espers,  or Garland, or they are cyber beings that are built with the knowledge internalized.  Most players will not be approved for Innate magical ability and at most might gain 1 or 2 upon approval. 

Kinetics - physical abilities displayed by the mind. How the mental ability can effect the living plane and be visibly noted.
1. Aerokinetics - manipulation of air /flight.
2. Gyrokinetics - manipulation of gravitational fields/flight.
3. Cryokinetics - manipulation of temperature
4. Sonokinetics - manipulation of sound waves
5. Hydrokinetics - manipulation of water
6. Pyrokinetics - manipulation of fire
7. Geokinetics - manipulation of earth/rock/ground
8. Electrokinetics - manipulation of electrical objects.
9. Light control - manipulation of light and bending light
10. Magnetics - manipulation of magnetism/flight
11. Telekinesis - movement of objects

Telepathy-the mental aspects, and effecting the astral being.
1. Mind control - taking over someone's mind
2. Illusion - manipulating people to see illusions as real
3. Mind Wipe - causing total memory loss in subject
4. Selected Memory Wipe - causing memory loss of an event.
5. Hypnotism - to gain control over someone for temporary time or erase mind
6. Mind Link - linking to a subject to locate him/her.
7. Projective Telepathy - communicate mentally to someone
8. Receptive Telepathy - read someone's thoughts and receive comm back.
9. Empathy - read people's emotions.
10. Animal Empathy - read animal's emotions and communicate with them.
11. Plant Empathy - communicate through emotion to plants.

1. Regeneration - person heals automatically through slow time to full health.
2. Ressurection - if character dies, they return to life.
3. Pain Tolerance - the character is resistant to pain and can function normal.
4. Regenerate Other - heals another gradually to full health.
5. Absorb Elemental Attack - absorbs the attack and is transferred to health.
6. Absorb Physical Attack - absorbs phys attack to health.
7  Reflect - <auto reflect> reflects spells casted back at caster and/or enemies.
8. Multiple Target - <all> can hit multiple people with spell increasing dmg.

1.  Haste/Auto - increasing movements a character can perform in a round.
2.  Created Magic Spell - a new spell no one else possesses.
3.   Limit Breaks or Trance are considered Innate Magic. These are available to chars and work on a scale of 1-4 instead of 5.

All Natural or Innate Abilities/Magic go on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being somewhat low and not having real effect but around a person direct, and 5 being immense and capable of great destruction etc. It operates as normal spells only that these expend half the magic points normally used and you do not use materia or drawpoint magic to possess them.  They are born in the person or the person is altered to possess them.