Family of Toads to Frathag

Family of Toads Refers to the House of Brother Tode, and what was for centuries the ruling body of Deviant Lemuria. -Eternals Annual#1

Will Fanshaw Welsh student whose body was taken over by the Interloper as a new host. Dr. Strange (v.3)#3-4

Fascit Deviant in charge of the operation to transform Margo Damian into a Deviant. -Eternals (v.2)#10

Father Sun Warrior serving the alien Chosen who found Cyclops' son Nathan Summers in the middle of a war against the Rejects. He brought Nathan back to the City of the Chosen. -X-Factor#43-44

Feather-brain Margo Damian's nickname for Sersi. -Eternals#11

Ffearrr Demon contained within the box wielded by Pandara, and used to attack her enemies alongside his brother Lltthhiinnggg. -Thunderstrike#4

Fialon Agent of an unknown race who recovered the Anti-Terrigan Compound for Maelstrom. -Marvel Two-In-One#71

"Fifth Host" The army of undead Deviants brought to the Flame Pits who were to serve as Ghaur's private soldiers for his war with the Eternals and Celestials. After Ghaur lost control of the Dreaming Celestial's powers, the entire "Fifth Host" crumbled into dust. -Eternals (v.2)#11-12

The Final Project Name for the process by which the Eternals of Eyung transferred the sum of their mental powers into Grom, the Over-Mind. -Fantastic Four#115

Agent Findaly Psykos' partner in his guise as Ronnie Sykes. -New Eternals#1

Finn Deviant member of the Damocles Foundation who, alongside Weller, received the Celestial Gatherer from Lucas Guthrie. Finn was killed when the Gatherer ran amock. -X-Force#96

First Line Little-known but long-lasting super-hero team that existed for over thirty years. It's leader in later years was Effigy, a Skrull who had become stranded on Earth. One of its most consistent members was Pixie, the Eternal. At one point in the 1960's, Pixie convinced her fellow Eternal, Makkari, to join the First Line as "Major Mercury". -Marvel: The Lost Generation#12-1

Flame of Life Also called "the Eternal Flame", "the Secret Flame" and "the Sacred Flame". The Flame of Life is a mound of flame found in the city of El Dorado. This flame, created using Deviant technology, is fed by radioactive cobalt, and is considered a holy part of the El Dorado society. Typically, the Keeper of the Flame uses the Flame of Life to sacrifice the enemies of El Dorado. -Avengers (v.1)#30-31, Incredible Hulk#240-242, Namor Annual#1

Flame Pits Part of Deviant Lemuria where the rejects are sent during "Purity Time". Though the public of Lemuria was led to believe that the rejects were placed into the enormous furnaces of fire, they were actually put into suspended animation by the Deviant Priesthood to one day serve as the "Fifth Host". -Eternals (v.1)#8, Eternals (v.2)#7, 10-11

Flamers Popular weapon used by the Deviants to instill the fear of demons. Deviants calling themselves "Demons" were armed with Flamers during the Invasion of New York. -Eternals (v.1)#3-6, Thor#286

Flight Control Room Room within the Chamber of the Gods from which Ajak and his Work Unit monitored the movements of the 4th Host. -Eternals (v.1)#2-3

Flotillas Large vessels that were part of Kro's task force on the mission to the Pyramid of the Winds. Many of them were destroyed by the Eternals. -Eternals (v.2)#3-4

Fool Member of the Brethren with a strangely Deviant appearance- brown, leathery skin and large ears. He aided Sersi and Thane Ector in forming a Uni-Mind to defeat the Collector, but he perished in the process. -Avengers#334-339

Force Barrier When the Celestials have chosen to terraform a world into a new form, a force barrier is erected about the planet to prevent any outsiders from interfering, or for any inhabitants to leave before the sentence is carried out. -Thor#388-389

Force-Trasmitter Device which allows the holder to transmit his power through another man. Kingo Sunen used one on Dave Chatterton to teach Ransak a lesson. -Eternals (v.2)#7

"The Forgotten Nemesis" Name that the Forgotten One is known by in Lemuria. -Eternals (v.2)#11

The Forgotten One "They do not speak my name in Lemuria for fear the women will weep and the strong men cry." -the Forgotten One, Eternals (v.2)#9.

Eternal whose true name is not known. Over the centuries he has been mistaken for Samson, Beowulf, Gilgamesh, Hercules and Atlas. He also learnt to rope from Buffalo Bill Cody, fought alongside Achilles in the Trojan War, fought with King David in Judah, and helped Aeneas in his travels following the Trojan War. He was also responsible for cleaning the Augean Stables, rather than Hercules. At some point he did befriend the Interloper, but otherwise, has lived mainly in solitude from his fellow Eternals. In the identity of Gilgamesh, he became King of Uruk, and befriended Enkidu, a hairy wild man he once faced in combat. But after Enkidu was slain, he became obsessed with his own mortality, and sought the secret of eternal life, apparently unaware that he was immortal. During his adventures, he also fought the Kronans and an enormous snake. At some point after learning his true nature as an Eternal, Zuras had him banished to a corner of Olympia and stripped him of his name, forbidding anyone to speak with him. The Forgotten One also went blind, and it is not known when or how he ultimately restored his vision.

During the 4th Host, when the other Eternals were within the Uni-Mind, Sprite contacted the Forgotten One and gained his aid in saving the Celestial Mothership from destruction by Deviant Astronauts. Though the effort of detonating the Energy Bomb nearly slew him, the Forgotten One was saved by the One Above All, and he lived aboard the Mothership for a time. The One Above All gave him a new name- "Hero"- and made him his emissary to the people of earth. As Hero, the Forgotten One was ordered to prevent the Eternals from interfering with the judgement of earth, but he was defeated in combat by Thor, and withdrew his challenge. Zuras then restored Hero's honor, and assigned Sprite to care for him. After many of the Eternals left earth, Hero resumed the name of the Forgotten One, and infiltrated Lemuria, and the fleet of Warlord Kro, where he learnt of Ghaur's plan to challenge the Celestials using the Dreaming Celestial's power. He warned his fellow Eternals of the danger, and was asked by Ikaris to become the new Prime Eternal, but he declined. With his fellow Eternals, and the Avengers, he fought Ghaur, and they ultimately able to defeat him.

During the demonic invasion of earth known as "Inferno", Thena requested the Forgotten One to return to humanity and aid the earth's heroes. Once more calling himself Gilgamesh, he complied, journeying to New York. This led to his meeting the Captain, Thor, Mr. Fantastic, and the Invisible Woman, with whom he helped re-build the Avengers, who had disbanded at the time. Gilgamesh found himself developing feelings of insecurity around Thor, even as the team fought the Super-Nova and the U-Foes. Finally, in battle against the Lava Men, Gilgamesh was overcome with "warrior's madness", and was struck a blow that was nearly fatal to him. He learnt that this was because all his years spent living in Olympia had forcibly tied him to the city, and that by leaving, he had become much weaker. He had no choice but to return to Olympia, to regain his strength. When his strength returned, he aided the Avengers on a few cases, including the Kree-Shi'ar war. He was also among those selected by the creature known as "Her" as a potential mate, but he was not chosen. At some point, he was captured by a being claiming to be Kang, who may actually have been Immortus. "Kang" forced Gilgamesh to train his Anachronauts, and when Gilgamesh finally escaped, he had aged rapidly. Immortus then sent an Anachronaut named Neut to slay him at the Avengers' Mansion. It remains to be seen if the Forgotten One is truly dead, with the revelation of Immortus' involvement. -Eternals (v.1)#13, Thor#287-289, 291-292, Eternals (v.2)#2, 4-6, 9-12, Avengers#299-300, X-Factor Annual#4, Avengers#301-310, Avengers Spotlight#35, Quasar#29, Avengers#345, Avengers West Coast#81, Captain America#401, Captain America Annual#11, Fantastic Four Unlimited#10, Avengers: The Crossing, Avengers#391

Frathag Member of Ghaur's priesthood who took charge of the "Fifth Host". When Kro exposed "Purity Time" as a falsehood, Frathag was killed by an angry mob. -Eternals (v.2)#12

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