Benma 1/2's Spring Splash II
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Benma's Spring Splash II

Tuxedo Mask

DESIGNER: Benma 1/2, Mom

WORN BY: Benma 1/2

CONCEPTION: 7-1-2001



COMPONENTS: Too many. "Foamies" hat, mask (duh!), tuxedo shirt, vest, bow tie, jacket, gloves, cape, "M.C. Hammer" pants (!), socks, dress shoes, rose.

PREPARATION TIME: 15-20 minutes

1. Can hit people in the back of the head with trademark rose.
2. Hat and cape can double as Zorro (sort of).
3. Get to make out with hundreds of Sailor Moon cosplayers (as long as they're 18).
4. Guess who gets the fame for thinking up this awesome idea!!
5. Lots of fangirls.

1. Heavy cape keeps pulling jacket backwards.
2. Dress shoes and dancing don't mix.
3. Black, multi-layered clothes in summer.
4. Guess who gets the blame for thinking up this crazy idea?
5. Lots of fangirls.


ORIGINAL CONCEPT, as stated from my "Magic 8-Ball" (future costumes) page:
"TUXEDO MASK: SAILOR MOON: If SAILOR JAMBOREE can do it, then why can't I? I'll grab an Andrew, a Moonlight White Knight, a Prince Darian, and Serena's brother, and we can be...M**n Sync!! And the competition would be crying as we sang, "Bye, bye, bye!""

And then it happened. Trunks is on the message board one day, saying that M**N SYNC is the skit we're going to do at AX. And I was dumbfounded. We were actually going to DO this crazy thing??? Um...OK...

So the skit began to expand. Originally a 5 good-guy mockery of boy bands sprung from watching Sailor Jamboree at AX 2000, it soon became so much more. In came "Beryl's Sleaze Boys," "Christina Berylara," and of course, "Britney Moon." The only thing was, was to find the catalyst sparking "Justin Tuxedolake" to leave Britney for the Negaverse.

So Trunks and I are IMing one night, discussing this dilemma. During our research into Britney, Backstreet Boys, *N Sync, and Christina Aguilara, we happened upon "Meaty Cheesy Boys" and the song "Ultimate Cheeseburger." And something clicked (or rather snapped), and we thought that Tux could leave Moon for...the Ultimate Cheeseburger.

So now that the script was set, all that was left were the costumes. I keep joking that my costume is so good and so bad at the same time, but it's really true. My hat was made out of black "foamies" glue-gunned together. The "M.C. Hammer" pants were made as slacks substitutes so that they were easy to dance in and had an elastic waistband. I did iron in some creases, though (heh heh heh). The rest of the costume is actually quite superb, although it's completely obvious which parts I sewed as opposed to those done by my mother.

Benma 1/2's Spring Splash II (BSSII) (c).
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) (c).
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