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Hey Sailor V fans!!
Here is some general info:

Name------Aino Minako (Mina)
Name Meaning------Surrounded by Beauty of Love
Guardian------Artemis the cat
D.O.B.------October 22
Blood Type------B
FAV food------gyouza, ramen and curry rice
least FAV food------shiitake mushrooms
FAV color------red and yellow
FAV subject------Phys. Ed.
least Fav subject------everything else
Hobby------wasting time
Sailor Venus is the 4th senshi to join after Sailor Moon...and of course that includes Artemis!!! She originally fought in England against regular robbers and things like that....she had video games, movies, and a million fans before Sailor Moon even existed!! Usagi loved Sailor V stuff before she joined them in the fight against evil.
In the Super S season, when they fight the Dead Moon Circus, she is a two-timer with two of the bad guys. It's very funny. Poor Diana has no idea what's going on, and Artemis intends to keep it that way!!
In the last season, Sailor Stars, she thinks she is the first scout to join the Three Lights Fan Club until everyone finds out that Ami was first. She is going after all three of the Three Lights...this makes the others mad. She says her motives are to become an actress AND a girlfriend of the Three Lights. ^_^
She has always wanted to be in show business. That is her dream, throughout all of the series. In Sailor Stars, she even has a chance to audition; and qualifies! But because of her duties as a Sailor Senshi to protect the princess and the planet, she decides not to become an idol. She says that she can become an idol anytime, now that she has qualified!
Love Life: As you can probably tell, chasing after love IS her life. She is boy crazy, and very arrogant when it comes to her looks. She and Mako both say they want a boy friend really badly, and that Usagi is lucky to have Mamo-chan.