My husband and I got married when
we were very young. We thought we had it made.
And for a while, we were happy. But it seemed there was
always something missing.

So we looked for it.
We went out on the weekends with our
friends, we drank,we partied. My husband joined a
band. On weekends they played country western music
at the bars. As time went on my husband
started to drink more and more.
So we began to fight about the drinking.

The more we fought the more he drank,
the more he drank, the more we fought.
We grew further and further apart.

As we began to think about divorce, my daughter,
(who was 8 at the time)went as a visitor to my little sisters
school. It happened to be a christian school,
and my daughter came home and said she had
accepted Jesus that day.

Well she wanted me to take her
to church. So being a "good" mom,
I began looking for her a church to attend.
I figured we would find one and I would ask
someone there if my daughter could ride with them every week.

(I wanted no part of God, I was angry at him
for the way my life was going)...we visited several sunday we walked into a church to
"check it out" and I felt such overwhelming LOVE.

Love from the people there, Love from God,
it just poured over me....finally the something that had been
missing all my feel such love, there is no describing it.

It is something you have to FEEL.
I was definately hooked that very day, and have been
walking with Jesus ever since...
his love is so unconditional, no matter what we do,
no matter how bad we blow it, HE loves us just the same.

As God taught me to love myself
(which was a new experience for me) and
I grew happier and more content, my husband
grew more and more miserable.
His drinking spiraled out of control,
he could find no peace in his life..he would just sit and
stare at me as I smiled and hummed songs
full of Gods peace and joy.

It took him one year to finally admit that
"Jesus was who he needed too" And as he gave
his life to Christ, I kneeled by him and led him in prayer...
it was so cool.......

Jesus will change your life, if you let him.
To learn how go here Jesus

God is soooooooo good. That was 1984,
and we have been serving God ever since.
There has not been one day of regret.....
NEVER would I go back to the mess I made of my life,
without HIM in it...

I tell this story today because I care where you
spend eternity. Eternity is forever,
it is never-ending........and it is up to you where
you spend it. Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord." I hope you will do the same....

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