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11:20 PM 5/3/2004

This is the kind of liberation being offered...
wait a minute... isn't this called terrorism!?..........

Bush has finally decided to apologize probably some form of lying to everyone again). Why the hesitation?
May 5: President Bush did not apologize for the abuse of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in two interviews hastily arranged by the White House to contain outrage in the Arab world. NBC’s David Gregory reports.

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Click to view Iraq's country profile. You could listen to the music while viewing information about Iraq.

Click here for a little history concerning Iraq .

Iraqi Music
You may need RealPlayer to listen to the following:

Listen to Iraqi Music (1),
courtesy of

Listen to Iraqi Music (2),
courtesy of

Misc Links                     Iraqi Music Videos
You may need RealPlayer to view the following:

Iraqi Music Video that used to be aired when the so-called "War on Iraq" began:
Take a look.

The Iraqi music and music videos sources come from Try experiencing the music while reading and looking in on Iraq.