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Domestic news is about information concerning various things that might be or have been going on inside the United States. The definition of domestic news can be looked up at

One type of information concerns something very powerful that is used 24/7 to sway and channel the opinions of the U.S. It is none other than the media.

A WashingtonPost article's subject is discussed in...

The media, more specifically reporters and editors of newspapers, have been known to donate money to campaigns. This fact can easily raise a lot of questions that in turn could jeopardize the already biased image of news coverage. Such questions can range from civil rights/liberties to credibility. The donations from reporters and editors to campaigns should not take place due to the types of questions mentioned above.
The level of government being affected by this is unlimited. Local government campaigns can receive donations from the news industry as well as state and federal campaigns. This mainly concerns the federal branch of government. Civil liberties are being questioned as the result of these donations. Questions such as "Is the freedom of speech available in the same amount to everyone?" arise. News members of a different news organization might not get the best coverage and the "loudest voice" if other news organizations are goof enough to follow their companies policy of not getting involved with campaigns but just covering them. The Freedom of speech is part of the constitution and as such it should not be put into questioning like it is through reporters and editors.
Fox anchor Neil Cavuto donated $1000 to Bush and Fox News President said, as a result, "I wish he hadn't". He further circulated a policy that discourages this type of action. The credibility that news organizations have for their coverage could plummet very easily if it were well known among the masses that such contributions by such people take/took place. News organizations are major sources of power and if their information seems to be biased, they will not be seen as very accredited. Knowing this, it is surprising that reporters and editors are still able to do this, despite the many news organizations that have policies against it. Furthermore, people who want to know the truth about what is going on around them will not truly know, so it would be pointless to read or watch what news organizations have to offer.
News organizations have policies against reporters and editors donating money to campaigns. But the results of the review of the last five years of federal election records show that donations by these people have happened a lot. These donations raise a lot of negative questions and are not a very smart way for things to happen between news organizations and the government. Media employees found to be in the federal election records are no longer working where they used to as a result.
With the biggest deficit that anyone can really remember, the democrats definitley have a powerful issue on their side. There is audio included in the following:
The other story(ies) about 9/11 that could explain a lot!
Misc Links                     Click here for more on the media. The upcoming elections are coming up! Wake Up first, then get involved and make a difference for the better.