Carpathian Links

Welcome to The True Carpathians links page!

Below you will find the links to other Carpathian sites sanctioned by Christine Feehan. We also list non Carpathian sites and forums for people who love both romance and role playing in general. If you have a forum, website or role playing site; whatever it's Carpathian based or not, and would like to have your link posted here then feel free to email me. Each of the links will open a separate window to each site so enjoy.

***Websites and Forums!***

The Carpathians United International Forum!
This forum is brand new and is the combined effort between the owner of True Carpathians and all of the carpathian sites mentioned below. All fans of the AGX are welcomed. Here you'll find short stories(non-carpathian) written by the fans, contests that are going on along with discussions in romance in general. All are welcomed to enter and participate. If you would like to have your carpathian group site listed on the forum then be sure to email me. The only requirement is that your carpathian site has to be sanctioned by Christine herself. Other than that, be sure to drop in and join us.

***Carpathian Role Playing Sites!***

Christine Feehan's official site
The Official Site of our beloved AGX herself. Be sure to check it out. There's a lot of goodies on her site.

Ancient Carpathian World
Another Official Carpathian role playing site sponsored by Christine as well.

Sacred Fantasies
Another sanctioned Carpathian Role playing site. Stories here are of an erotic nature so 18 year old rule IS enforced.

ChristineFeehan Discussion
A discussion list for romance readers who love the dark and sensual world of the Carpathians, created by Christine Feehan.

Human Carpathians
A sanctioned carpathian role playing site dealing with original humans and carpathians.

Twilight Calls
This is a sanctioned role playing group based on all of Christine's collected works. Everything, Carpathains, witches, pyschics, jaguars along with their adversaries: vampires and the Society to name a few all exist in this one world.

***Non Carpathian Role Playing sites.***

Amazons of the Dragon's Eye RPG
A role playing site based off a world where adventure, romance, action as well as the paranormal happen unexpectantly. Be sure to check it out.

The Covenant of the Gods RPG
A role playing site where 4 of the Olympian Gods, Hades, Artemis, Hesphaestus and Morpheous, have banded together to form a secret organization known as The Covenant in order to combat the evil known as the Illuminati, a race of beings created by an ancient power that seeks to destroy the realm of mortals.

© Copyright 1999 - 2005 Christine Feehan, The True Carpathians RPG.® All rights reserved world wide. No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the owner. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.