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Competition Time opens May 1st 

Print out our poster and display it in your car, if we spot it - FREE TICKET -  flyer

Spot yourself on our photo page? Email your mug shot we send you a - FREE TICKET -

For our younger viewer, Send in your your own picture of things you might see at Hollowell and we will show it here, Special Mystery Prize for the winners

Win a steam engine driving lesson in the ring on Saturday July 6th - two sections, 8 to 12 years  and from 12 to if you can climb on it. Most if not all the answers can be found on this web site


  1. At what temperature does water boil 
  2. How many wheels does a Steam Roller have
  3. Who invented the first Steam Engine
  4. What worked the first fire engine (Men, Steam, Horses)
  5. How many exhibitors go to Hollowell (300, 3,000 1,000)
  6. Who is the 'Bodger' (Mr Eaton, Mr Phelps, Mr Stewart)
  7. What do the Lemmings walk on (feet, legs, stilts)
  8. What two things make a steam engine go
  9. What does the 10,000th visitor to this web get
  10. Chilly is (cold feet, a snowy owl, hot stew)

Tiebreaker - Say what do you like best at Hollowell Steam in case we have too many winners!


  1. What year was 'Kingfisher' built
  2. Percheron horses originated in which area in France
  3. What make of 'steamer' was made in Northampton
  4. How much is the road tax on an historic vehicle
  5. Where do spuds go (not the edible ones!)
  6. Who is legally in charge of a traction engine
  7. B.S.A. made motor cycles, what did they first produce 
  8. What does Steve the Squeeze call himself now
  9. How much cylinder oil a day would you expect a 10 Fowler roller to use
  10. What is fleeking in thatching

Tiebreaker - How many toilet rolls do we get through over the two days of Hollowell Steam - in case we have too many winners!

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