Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Sustainable Living requires us to look at our day-to-day actions, review them and create new ways of doing them in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner.

Here's an idea:
Even modern day polluting activities like washing your car can be done in an ecologically friendly manner while at the same time converting nutrients into food for the family. Each urban home can be a food producing unit, reducing our dependence on food corporations and multinationals who are increasingly breaking the social contract between them and us.

The nutrients in your car washing detergent can be converted to food by a wet-land design using water-loving plants like bananas, coconuts, yams and other tubers. A polluting activity will now be a source for producing quality fruits and yet, be aesthetically pleasing.

Note You can organise your neighbourhood to construct a common carwashing area like the above and do your part for the environment while creating another opportunity for community interaction.


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