Melissa's Vegetarian Site

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."

---Albert Einstein

My website is dedicated to the discipline and dedication that Vegetarians and Vegans possess. This page contains information about the different types of Vegetarian lifestyles one can adopt and the reasons individuals choose to become vegetarian. I have included links to vegetarian pages and recipes for you to try as well as some links to facts on different food choices. Whether you are vegetarian or vegan, or just someone who is considering this lifestyle, I hope you enjoy this page.

The Different Types of Vegetarians

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian--

These vegetarians eat no meat products: no fish, beef, pork or poultry, but they still consume milk and eggs. They may or may not try to minimize their non-food use of animals. This is the most common form of vegetarian. I am this type of vegetarian.


Same as the Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, but they do not consume milk/ diary products.


They do not consume any meat, but they do eat fish.


Vegans do not eat any animal products whatsoever. Some don't even eat honey due to the fact that harvesting the honey causes the bees harm. Vegans do not wear leather, silk or wool, nor do they use any animal products in their daily livees. This lifestyle requires knowledge and discipline to be adopted successfully.

Dietary Vegan--

These Vegans follow the Vegan diet, but they do not necessarily try to exclude the non-food uses of animals.


This groups eats less meat than the average person.


They are similar to Vegans, but they only eat foods that do not kill the plant. For example, apples can be picked from the tree without causing the plant harm, but carrots cannot.

Non-meat Eater--

This groups does not eat meat. Most definitions do not consider fish, fowl or seafood to be meat. Animal fats and oils, bonemeal and skin are not considered meat either.

It is important to choose foods from all the vegetarian food groups, because each group contributes individual components to help maintain top physical condition (Melina, 1996).

Why do people choose to become Vegetarian?

Concerns about Health

Animal Rights

Concerns about the Environment

Vegetarian/ Vegan Recipes

Where to find Vitamins and Minerals

Famous People who are Vegetarian/ Vegan

Organizations related to Animal Rights and/ or Vegetarianism


Feminists For Animal Rights

MIT Vegetarian Support Group

Information on Gelatin

Hidden Animal Products

Resources and Further Reading

Links to other sites on the Web

Veggie Life Magazine's Web Page

A very important site about McDonald's Restaurants

This is the YVES' website.

Please EMAIL ME if you have any questions, recipes, or suggestions about this page.

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