Hidden Animal Products

What You Did Not Know...


Rennet is derived from the stomach linings of calves. It is used to make cheese. Almost all cheeses contain Rennet, however, true vegetarian cheeses use a Rennet subsitute. The vegetable Rennet is called Rennin.

**Some soy cheeses contain cassein which is a milk product. In the United States, true Vegan cheeses are available; SOYMAGE, and VEGANRELLA. In the United Kingdom, there is SCHEESE.


Beer may contain meat products for settling purposes. This is especially common in UK beer and Bitters.

**Other alcohol is usually animal-free.


Some refined sugars use bone charcoal as a decolourant.


Gum contains glycerine, however, Wrigley's contains a vegetarian source of glycerine.


Margarine can contain fish oil and other marine oils.


Nougat usually contains gelatin.


Paste may be animal or fish derived.


Animal fats are used in most baked goods, such as pie crust, tarts, cakes (including Vachon/Hostess snack cakes as well as bake shop treats), and in the icing or filling. Make sure you read the ingredient listing.


The developing paper contains gelatin.


Rubber is processed with animal products.


Soap has tallow (beef/animal fat) used in its production.


Stearate is found in hard candies (Gobstoppers, Sweetarts, etc.) Stearate comes from Stearic Acid, which is usually derived from tallow or animal fat.


Suede is leather.


Sweets contain gelatin, for example, wine gums, gummie bears, etc.

It is very difficult to completely rid a diet of animal products. Many foods and clothing contain animal products and it is complicated to omit these from one's lifestyle. I believe that every effort helps. I think that the avoidance of wearing animal products or eating meat will reduce the amount of suffering and killing of innocent animals. Once the meat industry realizes that there is a reduction in the demand for meat and meat products, they will stop the cruel slaughter.

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