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Reprinted (without permission!!) from the Houghton STAR, ??/??/??.
I think Dave Johnson may have written these, but I can't be sure.
If anyone has the other set of "Riddles'n'Giggles" that ran in the STAR that year, PLEASE let me know.
I will weep tears of joy.

It helps to be in the mood for these.

Q. What do you get when you cross three camels with a Volkswagen?
. Three camels, screaming in pain!


Q. Why did the goose cross the road?
     A. He was Episcopalian!
Q. What did the wristwatch say to the lima bean?
     A. Hey, lima bean!  It's me, wristwatch!  Hi!
Q. Where do refrigerators go for Christmas?
A. To a clear mountain stream!
Q. How many janitors do it take to paint an elephant blue?
A. Six, if the elephant is dead.
Q. Why are cucumbers green?
A. Because they're wimps.
Q. When is a hamburger not a hamburger?
A. When it turns into a big, mean gorilla.
Q. Why did the toothbrush buy the sock an iguana?
A. Because the fairy princess likes to play hopscotch!


©2002 Steve Maxon