Community Response to Faculty Letter
October 18, 2007

Administrators and Board of Education
DeRuyter Faculty Association
DeRuyter Central School
711 Railroad Street
DeRuyter, NY 13052

Dear Board of Education Members, Administration, and Faculty:

This is in response to the 9/18/07 faculty letter delivered publicly to the Board of Education, 9/27/07.  First, we would like to thank all of you for your time and efforts in serving our school district and look forward to partnering with you in the years to come making this school district better than it has ever been.

Administrators and teachers have told parents and community members in the past that they desire our input, support, and involvement with our children's education.  This should be a given objective.  The union and those teachers who signed the union letter should consider how it undermines that objective when chastising the parents and community for their involvement regardless if they disagree with the opinions expressed.  It is true that some community members are not trained in the syllabus, nor are experts, or educational professionals as emphasized repeatedly in the union letter.  This fact though should not exclude parents and the community from giving its input about curriculum content.

In regards to the health class curriculum, some in the community attempted to communicate their concerns at the first meeting in July that was attended by the current health class teacher.  Unfortunately, the result of that meeting only raised more questions and concerns.  When the teacher's course outline with assignments, movies, etc. was not provided in a timely manner, it only exacerbated the issue.  As professionals, surely the union, and teachers who signed the letter, know that the Hatch Amendment of 1984 gives parents the right to review course content.  The current health class teacher has chosen not to attend any public meetings since July also.  Any other PUBLIC meetings the union letter referred to did not restrict any faculty member from attending or voicing their opinions.

Being incorrectly accused, the community committee is not trying to write curriculum.  As professionals, who should know better than the faculty that according to the State Education Department Commissioner's Regulations, Subchapter G, Part 135.3, b, 2, and c, 2(i), the board of education shall establish an advisory council for making recommendations regarding AIDS instruction, which is actually the only health-related state mandated instruction.  This council needs to consist of parents, school board members, appropriate school personnel, and community representatives, including representatives from religious organizations.  All other health-related areas are ultimately decided by the BOE.  Hopefully, they will be compatible with community values.  That implies input from the community.  Our appreciation and thanks go out to the board of education, administration and those teachers who have been supportive in allowing our opinions to be respectfully heard and addressed.

The union, and teachers who signed the letter, admonished the board of education to not allow those expressing legitimate concerns to exercise so much power in the affairs of this PUBLIC school.  This isn't about power at all.  It is about the quality of education for the children in our PUBLIC school.  Any influence the community has had in any matter is the result of the board of education agreeing with the community's concerns and views.

The union, and teachers who signed the letter, repeatedly asked for the support of the Board of Education who are elected by parents and the community at largeThe community does support most teachers, and the board is a reflection of that support (i.e., $100,000 in new technology, new band instruments, opera tickets, housing of kids during emergencies, thousands of hours volunteered, organizations actively looking to fund a new playground, chaperoning events, etc.).  Just because some personnel are not receiving that support does not mean a blanket disapproval of all teachers and staff in the district.  Any teacher not receiving the full support from some in the community is due to their actions that have strained the trust in the parent/teacher relationship.  The BOE is only reflecting that mistrust.

To reiterate, the community does not need to obtain any "professional" level of education to qualify in expressing our concerns about any curriculum or how it is being taught.  Any board member, administrator, teacher or curriculum that assaults community values, or the character, virtue, or respect of any student is not above reproach.  The arrogance in this section of the union letter is disappointing to many.  Those teachers who signed the union letter, therefore agreeing with all the statements, have disappointed many also.

We, as parents and community members, were surprised that so many teachers would object to the concerns regarding the health curriculum that has been taught at DeRuyter Central School, amongst other issues.  We are thankful to those teachers that did not sign the letter, because it indicates their support of parents and community members getting involved in our children's education even if they may not agree with some of the opinions expressed.



Community members, please sign this letter!

Your full name:


I agree with the sentiments expressed in this letter; please sign my name.

Please add any comments you have below:



(Please note: The information in this form is submitted to the Webmaster's private email account and will not be revealed until the above letter is submitted to the DCS Board of Education.  Thank you for your support!)

We are pleased to announce that as of October 28, 2007, we have gathered at least 50 signatures to be appended to this letter and delivered to the DCS Board of Ed.  Thank you for your support!


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