Scott's Misc Pages

From this page you can find the miscellaneous odds and ends available on my site that aren't games, jokes or photographs:

FirstBas compiler A shareware QBASIC compiler.
About me An insight into the origins of this site, its contents and its creator.
Continuing Care Retirement Communities
- a solution for an ageing population?
My undergraduate dissertation.
A day at the Taj Mahal The story of Thursday 17 March 2005, the day I came face-to-face with some of the realities of India and the world's most beautiful building.
Cat Gallery "No web site is complete without a few cat pictures"
Quotes "A relevant quote...says more in a sentence than you will achieve in a whole chapter"
The Tiger A poem I wrote at school.
Time Do you value your time enough? A thought-provoking piece I came across on the net.
Sunscreen speech "Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '97..." a classic piece of advice for the young in the style of a university graduation speech (although in reality it was an article in the Chicago Tribune.)
Disclaimer A few health warnings about the material on this site and what you can (and can't) do with it.

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Miscellaneous pages established June 2004