A small Ottawa based business owned and operated by Lynda Milina. Lynda is a graduate of the Design Program at Algonquin College with 8 years of design experience behind her.

Lynda is a South-African, Croatian, Canadian (now that’s a mouthful!) who grew up in Kingston. Her mother is an award-winning Kingston gardener (recipient of the Patterson Award, Communities in Bloom winner and “Livable City Design” Award) and her father was one of Kingston’s most reputable residential builders. Growing up surrounded by plants and building plans has given Lynda a unique approach to landscape design that combines structures and use of space with horticulture.

Many companies will give you plant recommendations with little thought to your existing structures, use of space, etc. Lynda’s careful approach to questioning her clients, with respect to all aspects of their property, make KAVAMILINA a unique company.