Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey

November and December 1998

I am sorry if I posted the last three responses late, but I have been out of town for the holidays, and I had to access my Geocities account from my daughters computer.


Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 14:49:37
Name: tina blanchard
Email: t.blanchard@popmail.csuohio.ed


Yes, her death is the short run will benefit the series! I started watching the show again because I realized what I missed - I wanted to know more about Dax - Jadzia Dax. No, I think DSN has lost a value character. What would Star Trek the Next Generation be without DATA. What will DSNine be without Jadzia Dax?

Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 02:03:27
Name: David Armstrong


Well now Worf can finish missions correctly.

I think his gonna kick the ass of everyone he see's who is in the Dominion., Well, after taking over Dominion space, Starfleet/Klingons/Romulans should take over the rest of Dominion space. Then StarFleet and the Klingons should take over Romulan space and divide it up. Then, they should start expanding. Anyone who tries to destroy them will be conquered. Everyone who doesn't will become members of the Federation.

Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 17:46:09
Name: A.J. Abrahamsen

They should have not killed her off. I don't thin her death willbenefit the series at all.

Yes, I do think this will affect Worf's role in the series. I believe his character will become more hostile and lonely.

They should to destroy the Cardassians to pay them back for what they did the Dax.

Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 21:14:19
Name: torias


well why the fu** wasnt she at the helm of the Defiant Nog was there, and Kira is the one who usually takes command of the station when Capt Sisko in off aboard the Defiant
If she took her usual post shed be fine to me thays pretty fu**ing silly:(

of course it will id be punching walls to no end, naa, they should give up, surrender

who writes these questions, SHEESE

Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 23:32:01
Name: paul


I am dismayed by her departure. I don't know how Worf can stand it. No one can replace her. The death is a bummer for the series.

It's probably better for Worf's role though I suspect his Klingon personality traits will get stronger.

Nuke the Cardassians.

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 19:19:24
Name: Neil Borkowski


I think it was a very gutsy bit of writing, but my interest in the series has waned with her absence.  If they were going to use her death to spring into this season, they have missed the boat with a lackluster tangle of episodes this year.

Klingon or not he should have grieved for more than one episode.

They should persue the war, it's what got me watching last year.

Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 23:54:29
Name: Dan Bouteas


It will not! Nikki DeBoer is a great actress, and Ezri is a interesting character, but she is not an improvement over Terry, and Jadzia beats Ezri hands down.

I hope so. I hope he commits suicide, every woman who has been intimate with him (with the exeption of Deanna) has died - this time *he* should pay the ultimate price!!!!!

Yes, they should rout them from the galaxy. And the Romulan Star Empire should become members of the Federation.

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 22:32:34
Name: Zina Boyd


The death of Jadzia was weak. She was an important member of the
crew! They at least could have made it much more than it was. I particularlly don't
feel it will benefit the show at all. It is like a family member has died. There is now a
gaping whole in everything.

Warf will probably become an introvert.

The war should proceed.


Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 08:45:41
Name: Chris





Past Months

Responses March 2007
Responses to My Jadzia Dax Survey-July 2005-August 2005
Responses to My Jadzia Dax Survey-May 2004
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January 2002- December 2002
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-October 2001 - December 2001
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-July 2001- September 2001
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January to June 2001
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-July 2000-December 2000
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January to June 2000
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-June to December 1999
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January to May 1999
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-November and December 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-October 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey September 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-August 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-June to July 1998


Updated 12/25/07 02:30:48 PM

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