Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey
June to July 1998



Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 08:08:19
Name: Lauralee Gilmour


Dax's death sucks!  She was my favourite character, and I'm sorry to say I'm not sure if I'll even continue watching DS9 now.... I'll see what the next season's shows are like, but things are not looking good.

Well, sure.  He'll do *something* drastic a something depends on the writers, but at the very least he'll be depressed for a while.

So long as they don't make peace with everyone it should be okay...peace is *boring* on a space station.  The Enterprise could move around, so it wasn't so bad...but DS9 is stuck with either bringing aliens or what-have-you to the station, or sending people out in the Defiant or a runabout....Which is, I think, why the writers started this war in the first place.

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 20:32:20
Name: mike


What was the reason she had to die?  The entire balance of the show is ruined.  This cast is now and always has been an ensemble cast.  If this was terry farrel's decision why not any public report to offset the frustration her fans and the program fans feel.  The worst feeling a fan can experience is that of disinfranchisement and the producers of this show have certainly succeeded at that.

Worf lives through the constant pain of Klingon sadness, his first wife and now dax.  Don't you think this concept is wearing awfully thin?   Bring Jadzia back......., How about pursuing the concept of a new threat?  a new force that threatens founders ,cardassians and the federation.  The concept lend more credibility to the program and is full of opportunities for adventure.    Bring back Jadzia......

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 17:21:35
Name: None Given
Email: None Given


I miss Jadzia so much! I really understood her and felt like she was a part of me. I have an empty spot in my life now that she's gone. I love you, Jadzia.

Yes because he will be mourning deeply for Jadzia's death and with probably try to kill Dukat. I hope he does, and I would gladly help him., Yes!

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 12:53:35
Name: None Given
Email: None Given


PLease bring her back we all miss her.

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 12:53:34
Name: None Given
Email: None Given


No, Yes. He will try to avenge his death.

Date: Sun, 19 July 1998 11:46:25
Name: James
Email: None Given


I believe that the death of Jadzia Dax will have quite a negative effect of DS9.  This is so because Dax is one of the most popular Star Trek characters ever.  It should make for some very interesting appearances of the new Dax host, though., I believe that Worf, as is the Klingon way, will avenge her death by killing Gul Dukat.

They should crush the Dominion in this next season.

Date: Sat, 18 July 1998 11:57:33
Name: kelly


i hear this will be ds9's last season, so i think terry farrel should have stayed if it was the last season. i think the show will basically stay the same, or it could go up,fans of terry might discontinue watching because of her departure while others will stay fans and could get new watchers who are curious who the new member might could go up because everyone will stay fans and curious others could start to watch,so i'm not sure how her leaving could affect the show., i'm sure worf's role will be affected, he already lost people he cared about now he loses his wife. But he could lose it, or coupe with the pain. his role could be affected badly or be affected for the good.

i think they should pursue their war with the founders,and the cardassians because you know they won't stop un till they have at least some power over sf, and if sf stops now the tables could change, the chardies and founders would have time to get more supplies and more ships and th! e founders would have more time to breed the jemhedar if given time.

Date: Mon, 13 July 1998 09:32:23
Name: David Blain


WHAAAAAAA ! I don't much like the idea of her death , but what can we do?

They decided she was out and that is that. Have you seen her replacement ,, Huba Huba, No, Yes.
But with the Worm hole destroyed , it shouldn't be to much of a fight.

Date:Tue, 7 July 1998 19:24:31
Name: Kristi Henry


I don't know about benefiting the series. I just think that was a mean way to kill her but you got to admit she went out with a bang., Probably not the writers and producers are very creative at finding new roads for the characters.

No. I think everybody is tired of the war they should find something else or make it more exciting.

Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 16:04:29
Name: Shayla Saltz


I think it was a big mistake. I'm not sure I believe it is permanent. Maybe they will find a way to resurrect her like they did Spock in the films. If they wanted to kill off someone, they should have done away with Sisko (he's sooooooo dull!) The relationship between Worf and Dax was so warm and charming and lightened up the show., Perhaps many viewers felt Worf was turning onto someone too tender and cuddly. I guess they all will be happy if he becomes bitter and angry all next season. Or moody and morose. It is only natural that a romantic relationship would develop among some of the regular characters thrown together on a confined space station for any period of time. Odo and Kira seem kind of pathetic in comparison. They ended Garak and Dukat's daughter, And lets not even get into Sisko (he's sooo boring) and what's her name., yes, but let them win and move on.DS9 is still better than Voyager which is S L O W L Y improving, but nothing can replace TNG. !

I suffer from TNG deprivation very badly, That movie better come out soon or my husband and daughter will toss me and my uniforms out of the house.

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 09:30:50
Name: ancarett


Sad to see her go. I don't imagine it could be for the best!  With Jadzia Dax out of the picture, DS9 is sadly gender unbalanced. Plus, Sisko is sure to have a lot of angst., Well, the cynical part of me expects him to get another girlfriend (seems like he's racked up a lot in the years  he's been around). Probably they'll work in more with Alexander again (yawn)., I don't know, except there has to be some sort of closure.

Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 08:40:19
Name: Kert Rats
Email: None Given


It is sad to see Dax killed off but I feel it is for the best because it spoils a great show like DS9 to marry off 2 of it's most prominent characters. If you ask me Worf and Dax should never have married anyway. So lets all let go of Dax and stop trying to turn this into another "Days Of Our Lives" episode and get back to the Sci-Fi side of what makes Star Trek STAR TREK.,

Worf will continue without Dax and his character  will become more aggressive without a "Spouse" waiting at home with spaghetti on toast for his evening meal., Hey great idea...lets see some good battle scenes around DS9.Breath some fresh life back into Star Trek and blow up those waste of space Bajorans...

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 20:22:47
Name: eren, elreyn
Email: None Given!


I did not like the way Jadzia's character was killed. The show focused too much on the klingon/romulan disputes. They did not give us a chance to see her comrades saying goodbye to her or been affected by her death. The show was to have been about Jadzia not a battle. The show might have an arc to finish it's 7th season, but without Dax to me it'll be not the same..., the writers should be able to come up with something to make worf's character still interesting.

I think the widower role would be a strong one., The war should end this a viewer of the show for six years I want to see this loose end taken care of. I also think they should let us see the rest of the senior crew (and not just worf and sisko) be affected by Jadzia's death in their every-day life.

As a Jadzia Dax fan I would love to see her character come back at the season would do justice to a character that is such an intricate part of the original cast...remember this is science fiction anything is possible...let Jadzia Dax come back for the shows farewell.

Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 11:55:32
Name: William Phillips

I think it was a waste! To see my full opinion you can read my review of "Tears of the Prophets" at my website. I live at Geocities in Area51/Nebula/5331, I believe the affect that Jadzia's death will have on Worf is about the only good thing that will come out of it. It should be interesting to see him with another Trill who has the Dax symbiont., The war is always fun!

Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 02:02:06
Name: Spathi

Although her death may benefit the series, it is an unfortunate one. She was one of the brightest characters on ds9, and I don't think she should have been killed off.   While her death may cause new episodes (now they have something else to write about) they have lost so many plots. I also think they should have let her have the baby at least before they killed her.

This will affect Worf, but not stop him from doing his duty, he's too honorable :) I'm sure that they will have to change the reference to Jadzia in Star Trek IV (when picard asks how she is) to something indicating that she's dead.

I think more then ever they should pursue the war effort, but not for a long time, they should have it finished, so that Ds9 can finish up on a better note.

Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 15:36:16
Name: Joshua Potter

I think the Paramount writers did the worst job killing off a person since Tasha Yar the benefit to the series is a bigger budget with Sisko and dax gone., I think worf will try to take revenge on Dukat, YES!



Responses March 2007
Responses to My Jadzia Dax Survey-July 2005-August 2005
Responses to My Jadzia Dax Survey-May 2004
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January 2002- December 2002
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-October 2001 - December 2001
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-July 2001- September 2001
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January to June 2001
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-July 2000-December 2000
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January to June 2000
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-June to December 1999
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-January to May 1999
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-November and December 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-October 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey September 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-August 1998
Responses To My Jadzia Dax Survey-June to July 1998


Updated 12/25/07 02:26:18 PM

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