

Faith in Him

Faith Guide

From A Distance


Her Journal

Her Number

I'm Sorry


Long Distance Love

Love Chorus

Mr. Zelasko

My Prayer

One True Friend



Psalm 131

Thank You God

Together, Forever
My Prayer
Lord God, You know that I ask for strength everyday
I think about what I have to go through,
And I think of what I'm supposed to say.
But God, You know I've been living without You,
And You know what it has done to me.
Lord God, right now, I pray You change the way I am.
I pray You change the content and the way I see.
I pray that Your love and grace helps me understand
The desire I have to be your faithful servant.
Father, I pray that You help me to never forget
That You sent Your Son, to die on the cross,
And that, Lord, without Him my soul is lost.
Lord God, I pray that you help me in my daily situations,
Help me communicate and to master human relations.
Lord, I pray that You assist in guiding my self
So that I don't just put Your love on a shelf.
Father God, I pray that I use Your love as a light
And that I am faithful to You with all my might.
Healking God, I pray for all those that are ill.
I pray that I act in ways according to your will.
I pray this prayer, Holy Father, everyday as I begin
And end everyday the same way, In Your Name, amen.