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Healing With Iridology

Image of an Eye

Iridology for health assessment and healing programs.

The iris of the eye reveals the health of the physical body making iridology an effective tool for creating a healing program. When healing occurs, changes are seen in the various markings within the iris. Treatment programs created in this way can include several naturopathic modalities from nutrition to acupuncture. A major advantage to this skill in healing is the practitioner's ability to acurately assess the root cause of an illness.

Many skeptics conclude that there is no value to Iridology. Actually, this science has been advancing in acuracy and sophistication for over 150 years, mostly by medical doctors, and was part of quite a few western medical offices up until the early 1930's. It was banned once Iridology began to reveal the toxic side effects of drug therapies that were becoming increasingly more popular.

For those who have had first hand experience with this practice in their own healing, many become practitioners themselves! This science proves itself to be one of the most miraculour tools known to man! Why would we need countless medical machines that diagnose problems when most of the insight can come from a cheep magnifying glass and mini-maglite?

Without so many invasive medical machines, Iridology can properly assess the underlying condition so it can be treated with natural means. Changes in a person's eyes are noticed within a short time as they begin to feel better. Dr. Bernard Jensen was right when he said, "I believe in Iridology and Nutrition to be the twin guiding stars that will bring in a new profession equally uplifting for both Doctor and patient."

More About Iridology

What is seen in the eyes
Read about eye colour
Read about genetic structure
Example Iridology Charts
Books on Iridology
Courses on Iridology

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