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In our society we focus a lot on good hygiene but who knows about good bowel hygiene? For every meal we take in we are meant to eliminate with a bowel movement and most of us consume 2-3 meals per day and so we are meant to have 2-3 bowel movements each day. The bowel is a primary rout for the elimination of waste product of our body.

The colon therapist uses a gentle method of cleansing the bowel and encourages regularity over time. Like an enema, a tube is inserted into the anus and water flows into the colon. During a colonic session, the therapist will gently massage the abdomen to help soften and solid matter and encourage release to happen.

A major proponent in using bowel cleansing in healing was the late Dr. Bernard Jensen. Through his work combining cleansing and nutrition he assisted thousands of people recover from illness. He brought to light two very important ideas about the bowel in relation to our health. 1) That the first systems to develop in the body in utero are the nervous system and the bowel and that each organ "sprouts" out of the primitive gut. 2) That an obstruction or accumulation in the bowel will reflex out to another part of the body meaning symptoms which have apparently no connection to the bowel can be directly caused by a reflex from the bowel.

This first relationship of bowel to health is clear when studying the chart to iridology. The centre of the iris represents the digestive system and the division between the GI tract and the rest of the organs is a nervous system relationship. For example, a mark in the bowel indicating tissue weakness and the potential for bowel pockets in a part of the descending colon has a reflex relationship with the heart and although the persons heart may be in all respects healthy, because the bowel in that area is degenerated the heart will be affected.

The second relationship is by Cleaning out the colon we remove the effects of accumulated material in our body. Such waste material from the bowel will act on the liver and elimination organs making their jobs less effective and symptoms of respiratory, immune, kidney and skin disorders may develop in the body's attempt to eliminate through alternate channels of the body. Once the liver is unable to function the body is highly susceptible to diseases like cancer to develop in the body.
