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Shamanism has its roots in many cultures throughout the world. The roll of the shaman or medicine man in a society was to heal the sick, bring prosperity and blessing and hold ritual ceremonies for the community. Today we find aspects of shamanic healing in holistic health circles. A major question asked in shamanism is "How does a person live in relation to the elements of life?"

When we are in balance, life flows and we are healthy. A physical illness points to imbalances in the relationship we have to our environment. An example that we can all relate too is from childhood, each of us had to put some kind of effort to be heard and understood and while nobody's parents are perfect, they did the best that they knew how to do. Form this need we create stories around how life is, what it takes to win the attention of a person or a society and so our energetic relationships form.

At some point each of us has to come to an acceptance with our childhood in order to identify our true nature. It is natural for the human experience to be one of health and harmony, of joy, ecstasy and fulfillment. If we are not living with these qualities in abundance, aspects of our life may require balancing. Shamanic healers strive to bring such a balance by identifying the energetic patterns which predominate our lives and making us aware of their impact.

Those who follow a shamanic path tend to feel "called" to it. For most shamanic healers, the study is more than a hobby or a business, it is a way of life. Since life is a constant balancing act, the shamanic healer reminds us to be willing to adjust our deep seated patterns in hopes to bring greater wellbeing into our lives.
