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Our nervous system has two divisions, autonomic and somatic. This is a division between what we can control by voluntary movement and what is controlled unconsciously by our body. An example is heart rate, controlled automatically by the nervous system as apposed to the biceps which are under our conscious control. Breathing is one of those functions that can be controlled both by our conscious will and by our unconscious mind. By doing yoga, a practice which unites the body movements with breathing, we have access to our unconscious mind though the breath. Something to think about!

Yoga means union in Sanskrit. Our popularized yoga is extremely valuable for improving flexibility and toning core muscles. The practice of yoga involves more than just the physical postures, the practice is a spiritual philosophy and a way of life. There are many different kinds of physical yoga and even in one discipline you will find teachers who have entirely different approaches in their methods.

When we practice yoga we are making a conscious effort to become more intuitive with our body. Furthermore, doing yoga is a discipline like meditation that is not naturally craved but must be maintained on an ongoing basis with the knowledge that our actions facilitate healing in our body and in our lives. There is very little immediate gratification from this kind of work.

Finding a teacher who resonates with you is important, as if finding a style of yoga that suites your nature. Ashtanga is more vigorous, fast paced and energetic. Hatha is kind of a middle ground with the focus on holding poses. There are gentle and beginner yoga classes from all styles and most teachers are able to accommodate a variety of skill level within a class. Some teachers will offer one-on-one yoga instruction where all the attention is on you. This kind of work can branch into therapies like Tai Yoga Massage where in a sense the therapist manipulates your body as in yoga postures only you are completely passive. Obviously the class dynamic is less expensive in the long run. Investing in some sessions with a private instructor is valuable, as it provides an objective viewpoint see where the direction of growth in the practice lies.
