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-Baby Growth
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-Tips & Secrets

-House Extensions
-Power Berries
-The Girls
-Tips & Secrets

Back to Nature: Events

Sprite's Tea Part

To have the Tea Party you would have to have the largest Rucksack and buy 7 flours from the Supermarket in Spring. Go to Sprite's house between 3 to 4 pm and give each sprite a box of
flour. They will invite you to the tea party automatically. After the tea party, you'll receive tea leaves.

Ann's Birthday Party

To get invited by Ann in her birthday party, you will have to become good friends with her. The invitation to her party comes during the early Summer days. Her birthday is on Summer 17th. The party starts at 10:00Am to 6:00Pm. Don't forget to bring her a present.

Ann's Nap

Only occurs if you are married to Ann. On Sundays in Spring, go halfway up to Mothers Hill and you'll find Ann taking a Nap.


In the Summer there will always be at least one hurricane, after the day of the hurricane go to Kai with a bottle. Kai will fill your Bottle with perfume.

MoonDrops for Karen

Between the 1st and 20th of Spring, if Karen likes you, she will give you some moondrop seeds. Plant them and give them to her when they bloom and you'll receive more MoonDrop Seeds.

Dougs Memories

On Fall 5th, after 5:00 PM, you'll see Doug thinking about his decease Mother on the Peaks of Mothers Hill.

Popuri's Egg

Sometimes in Summer Popuri will drop by your farm to give you an Egg. Do not put this Egg in the Shipping Bin. Hatch it and name it Popuri, she'll like you a lot more.

Dance with Karen

On the2nd year of Spring, before the New Years Festival, Karen will stop by your house between 12:00 to 3:00 Pm to practice dancing.

Fireworks with Kai

On the 2nd year of Summer, the day before the Fireworks, talk to Kai at the Beach between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and ask him to watch the Fireworks with you.

Give Kai Corn

In Summer, Kai may stop by and ask to buy Corn from you. Sell it to him for 50 gold to make better friends with him.

Helping at Winery

On the 14th of Fall, Duke will stop by and ask you if you want to help him harvest grapes. Go to the Winery everyday at 11:30 for a week. Make sure you get every berry and to get 1000G. Always pick the berries at the spot where Cliff goes to first.

White Flower

During Winter, go to Ellen's house. She'll tell you about a White Flower that blooms on snowy days. After that, go to Mother's Hill's peak on a snowy day to see it. Tell Ellen and Basil about it on the next day.

Cute Cricket

This event can happen at anytime in the Fall. If you are Married to Elli, Stu will give you an Cricket in your farm.

Taking Care of Chickens

If you have a chicken coop extension and only have 5 chickens, Rick will stop in Fall 14th to 16th and ask you to take care of 5 chickens.

Flashing Object

In the 4th year of Winter, walk past the Church. After 5:00 PM, you'll see a flashing object.

Water Mill

On the 1st or 2nd year of Fall, Gray will come to your farm as you walk outside. He will be very mad, asking to use your Mill to make a hammer. As a return, he'll weed your farm. After a few days, Gray will ask you to try the hammer. But sadly, it broke. Go to Village Square to see Mary and Gray fight. Gray will later thank you.

Harris Love

In Fall 30th of the 1st year, if your friends with Harris, he'll come to your house at around 6:30 PM and tell you that he is in love with Aja Duke which is Manna's daughter. Help him write a letter to Aja. Then the next day visit Manna and you will automatically tell her the secret. The next morning, when you come outside to your farm, Harris will come and tell you he's sorry to have bothered you with the little incident.

Karen Gets Drunk

If you are married to Karen, one evening in the Inn, you'll see Karen drunk. Ann will be talking some sense into her. After, Ann will ask you to take her home. Next, you'll arrive at home chatting with Karen.

Eggs For Ann

On the 1st year of winter 6th, Ann will come by your house to ask if you can bring 3 eggs to the Inn for a total of 3 days.

Cat Burgler

Go to the Inn in the beginning of 2nd year spring. Ann, Doug, Harris, May and Barley will be all standing in a circle saying that the food in the Inn was stolen. If you enter the back room, a cat will walk by into the main room. When you go back to the main room, they'll realize that the cat was the burgler.

Duke Passed Out

Go to the bar one night and Duke will be passed out. Talk to everyone in the bar, then pick up the jar on the table and talk to Duke. You'll automatically take him home and talk to Manna. This will increase your relationship with both of them.