-Baby Growth
-House Extensions
-Power Berries
-The Girls
-Tips & Secrets

-Baby Growth
-House Extensions
-Photo Album
-Power Berries
-The Girls
-Tips & Secrets

-House Extensions
-Power Berries
-The Girls
-Tips & Secrets

Back To Nature: Characters

Lillia-Lillia's birthday is on Spring 19th and she is Popuri's mom. She works at the Poultry Farm, which is working with animals like chickens.

Popuri-Popuri's birthday is on Summer 3rd and is one of the girls that is available so you can woo her. She lives at the Poultry Farm with her mom, Lillia, and her brother, Rick.

Rick-Rick's birthday is on Fall 27th. He makes all the deliveries for the Poultry Farm. Rick lives at the Poultry Farm with her mom, Lillia, and her sister, Popuri.

Barley Yodel-Barley Yodel birthday is on Spring 17th. He is the owner of the livestock farm. He lives with his grand daughter, May, and his Dog, Hana.

May-May's birthday is on Winter 26. She lives on the Livestock Farm with her Grandpa and owns a dog named Hana. She has black hair and is a young child who wears red clothes.

Saibara-Saibara's birthday is on Spring 11th. He owns the Blacksmith's shop, making all your tool upgrades. You can also buy tools there or make jewelry for your favorite girl.

Gray-Gray's birthday is on Winter 6. Gray lives with Saibara, who is his grandpa at the Blacksmith Shop. He likes to live in the city. Everyday he tries to help Saibara with the shop.

Duke-Dukes birthday is on Winter 15th. He runs the Aja Winery with his wife. He always goes to the Inn at night to have a drink of wine. He also has a wife named Manna.

Manna-Manna's birthday is on Fall 11th. She sells wine at the Rose Square during noon for most of the days.

Jeff-Jeff's birthday is on Winter 29th. He owns the Grocery Store. Jeff has one daughter, who is Karen and has a wife named Sasha.

Sasha-Sasha birthday is on Spring 30th. As told above, she is Jeff's wife. She is usually at the Rose Square gossiping with other ladies in the game.

Karen-Karen's birthday is on Fall 15th. She is one of the available girls you can marry. She helps her father in the Grocery Store. Her mother is Sasha and her father is Jeff.

Basil-Basil's birthday is on Summer 11th. He is a botanist and an author of many books. You can find him at the Inn almost every night. He has one daughter which is Maria and has a wife named Anna.

Anna-Anna's birthday is on Fall 23rd. Anna is Basil's wife. She is usually at Rose Square with Manna gossiping.

Maria-Maria's birthday is on Winter 20th. She runs the library with her father, Basil.

The Doctor-The Doctor's birthday is on Fall 17th. He is very serious and enthusiastic.

Elli-Elli's birthday is on Spring 16th. She works in the Clinic, trying her very best to become a nurse.

Pastor Carter-Pastor Carter's birthday is on Fall 20th. Carter is usually found in the church. All the ceremonies are ran by him.

Doug-Doug's birthday is on Winter 11th. His Wife died along time ago and now he tries to fulfil his wife's wish, which is to create a successful Inn/Bar.

Ann-Ann's birthday is on Summer 17th. Her Mother died when she was a child. She is a tomboy and a very good cook. She works in the Inn/Bar with her Father.

Won-Won's birhtday is on Winter 19th. Won is a travelling salesmen. He charges a lot of money for his products, although some of his products aren't even worth the price he offers. You can find him in the Inn for most of the days.

Cliff-Cliff's birthday is on Spring 6th. Cliff will leave the game if you don't ask him to help you harvest the grapes in Duke's vineyard. He is very shy, yet very nice.

Kai-Kai's birthday is on Summer 22nd. Kai comes to the village only during the Summer times.

Zack-Zack's birthday is on Summer 29th. Zack is a shipper who comes by everyday to ship the products you threw in. Although his house is at the beach, he is usually wandering around in town.