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Roman Ciorogariu, the orthodox bishop of Oradea, born in 1852 in Pecica română (Arad). After graduating the Hungarian high school, he continued his studies at the Romanian Orthodox Seminar from Arad. Thereafter, he studied a year in Lipsca and another one in Bonn. In 1888, he is appointed professor of theology at the Orthodox Seminar in Arad, where he became director of the Pedagogic and Theological Institute (1901 to 1917). In 1917 he was promoted as bishopric vicar. In 1919, Oradea being under the Hungarian Bolshevik control, Ciorogariu had an heroic attitude. In 1920 he was the bishop of Oradea and was one of the casualties of the terrorist attack from Senate, in the Summer of 1921. He organized the new diocese of Oradea endowing it with theological Academy, bishopric palace and all other mundane things. In Arad he directed the review "The Church and the School" (1902), and in Oradea he founded "The Romanian Custom." He published his interesting memoirs The Days I Lived (1927). Having warm and active spirit, being a fierce nationalist, he supported the national and political movement of the journal Tribuna, where he signed articles with the pseudonym "Unchieşul" [The Old Man]. He had good relations with the important  political personalities from Romania. He died in January 22, 1936. From 1921 he was honorific member of the Romanian Academy.

Roman Ciorogariu, 1852-1936


ROMAN CIOROGARIU, episcop ortodox al Oradiei, n. 1852 în Pecica română (Arad). După terminarea; liceului unguresc, a făcut studii teologice la seminarul ort.-rom. din Arad. A studiat apoi câte un an la Lipsca şi Bonn. La 1888 e numit prof. de teologie la seminarul din Arad, unde la 1901—1917 a funcţionat ca director al institutului pedagogic şi teologic. La 1917, vicar episcopal. In 1919, fiind Oradea sub stăpânirea ungurească bolşevică, a avut o atitudine eroică. In 1920 episcop al Oradiei, fiind unul dintre răniţii criminalului atentat dela Senat în vara lui 1921. A organizat noua episcopie, prevăzând-o cu Academie teologică, palat episcopal şi cu cele pământeşti. La Arad a condus revista „Biserica şi şcoala" (1902), şi la Oradea a înfiinţat ,,Legea românească." A publicat memoriile sale interesante: Zile trăite (1927). Suflet cald, activ, naţionalist dârz, a susţinut acţiunea naţională şi politică a ziarului Tribuna, unde a semnat la început cu pseudonimul: Unchiaşul. A întreţinut relaţii intime cu oamenii politici importanţi din România în vremea stăpânirii ungureşti,  † 22 Ian. 1936. Membru onorific al Academiei Române din 1921. (L. Predescu, Enciclopedia Cugetarea)



Roman Ciorogariu, “Spovedania unui om cinstit” [The Confession of a Honest Man], Tribuna, XIV, no. 263 (December 5/18, 1910): 1.

Roman Ciorogariu, “O declaraţie corectă,” Tribuna, XV, no. 47 (February 27 / March 12, 1911): 2.

Vaida-Voevod, Alexandru, “Roman Ciorogariu,” Românul, I (1911), No. 116 (?/?): 3-4; No. 117 (?/?): 3-4.

 Roman Ciorogariu, “Spre prăpastie. I,” Tribuna, XV (1911), Nr. 228 (18/31 October): 2-3.

________. “Spre Prăpastie. II,” Tribuna, XV (1911), Nr. 229 (19 October/ 1 November): 3-5;

________. “Spre Prăpastie. III,” Tribuna, XV (1911), Nr. 230 (20 October/ 2 November): 3-5;

________. “Spre Prăpastie. IV,” Tribuna, XV (1911), Nr. 231 (21 October/ 3 November): 2-4;

________. Spre Prăpastie. V,” Tribuna, XV (1911), Nr. 232 (22 October/ 4 November): 2-3;

________. Spre Prăpastie. VI,” Tribuna, XV (1911), Nr. 233 (23 October/ 5 November): 3-4


Brochures and Pamphlets

Ciorogariu, Roman. Spre prăpastie [Towards the Abyss]. Arad: Tribuna, 1911.

Note: — This pamphlet was published after the appearance of the above mentioned articles. Its four sections do not perfectly correspond with the six parts published by Tribuna.

________. Zile trăite [The Days I Lived] (1927)
________. Tribuna şi Tribuniştii [Tribuna and the Tribunists]. (1934)

Secondary Literature

***. Ciorogariu Roman R. 1852-1936. Studii şi documente [Ciorogariu Roman R. 1852-1936. Studies and Documents]. Vasile Coman (ed.). Oradea: Editura Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române, 1981.

The two studies included in this volume are

Vasile Popeangă, "Roman R. Ciorogariu, personalitate marcantă a generaţiei unirii" [Roman R.     Ciorogariu, Prominent Personality of the Union Generation], pp. 35-102.

Gh. Liţiu. "Roman Ciorogariu, ctitorul reînfiinţatei episcopii ortodoxe a Oradiei," pp. 103-130.