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through Swamp Gas Reciprocation Engineering Blues, updated 7-5-00

note: the events of Trial of the GMS Legion take place in a parallel universe, so those characters are not part of continuity and are not listed here. However, unless I contradict them later, the deaths of Miss Cockroach and the Green Queen did occur.

April - June 1983: The Sniffin Middle Affair
February 1984: The Man from the 200th Century
September 1984: War at Scandal High
October 1984: Trial of the GMS Legion, "Book 3 Epilogue"
April 1986: Whatever Happened to the Class of '86?
May 1986: The Best Idea Since Bread
June 1986: Fear of Flying
September - October 1986: Walls of Jericho, School Rules
November 1986: The Man with Three Shadows, The Vinyl Liberation Front
December 1986: The Pirate Radio Clash
January 1987: The Return of the Chrome Crusader
February 1987: Blinded by Science, Slaves of the Machine God, Melody of Chaos, Who Rules McDonaldland
March 1987: The Thoroughly Respectable Spring Festival
April 1987: Absolute Beginners
May 1987: Sport of Kings, The Criminal Fraternity, Powers and Abilities, Royal Flush
June 1987: Swamp Gas Reciprocation Engineering Blues

names in red are members of the GMS Legion
names in green are other known heroes
names in purple are villains
names in blue are teachers or county staff, who may be villains as well
names in black are other characters

a. The GMS Legion

COLOSSAL KID: Charter member with super strength, limited invunerability and the power to grow to giant size. His costume stretches with him since this is a comic book and costumes do that sort of thing. Sort of the moral center of the team, he began dating NOVA GIRL in February 1987, taking her to that spring's prom. He has an older cousin named Bill, seen in Swamp Gas Reciprocation Engineering Blues.

COYOTE (deceased): Introduced in episode 1 of War at Scandal High, this Scandal hero posessed above-average athletic powers and wore guns on his wrist bands that fired blunt bolts. He was murdered in part 7 of that story by Sgt. HORSESMELL.

ENFORCER: A charter member who was originally called CHEWABLE KID, with the power to eat anything. Since this is a pretty limited power, he trained extensively and was physically the strongest of the original team after COLOSSAL KID. He lost his powers in a battle with the MAYONNAISE MAN (episode 2 of War at Scandal High), but reemerged soon after as the Enforcer, sharing a body with MAMUWALDI. Enforcer elected to stop wearing a costume in early 1986 and began devoting himself to criminology. MAMUWALDI left the body later that year, but Enforcer retained the invunerability he had in that form and is still a member of the team. He was ignorant of the years-long crush that INFECTIOUS GIRL (later VIRUS) held on him, but in May 1987, they finally began to date.

GAS BOY (retired): One of five Scandal High heroes to join the team when the group reconvened in that school. He initially had only the power to generate gas clouds and smoke screens. His skin is grey and his head loses solidity towards his crown, evaporating into wispy clouds. Introduced in episode 1 of War at Scandal High. Some years later, in part 3 of The Man With Three Shadows, he gained the power to breathe fire after his gasses mixed with ingested lethal vindaloo. Following his graduation at the close of Royal Flush, Gas Boy was forced by policy to leave the team, and enrolled in fall classes at Georgia State University.

HOLLYWOOD QUEEN (real name Becky Ashburn): In May 1986, she was passed over for a place on the team, but reconsidered a year later, although MATTER LAD again voted against her. She is approached in part 2 of Royal Flush about joining the team in the fall. However, when Colossal Kid and Nova Girl temporarily quit the group, her induction was moved forward. She has the dual ability to create blinding lights and hurl dangerous "solid light" stars, and, despite Scandal's ban on non-Legionnaires using powers, she helped the team from the sidelines during an untold adventure involving a giant mole. SHAMROCK commented when considering her that Becky is in great shape and has a good attitude.

INFERNO KID: First mentioned in episode 1 of Royal Flush, he is inducted into the team on the last day of the 1986-87 school year and shown on the last page of that story. He generates fire in controlled blazes and the top of his head is always ablaze. He is intensely serious and has meshed well with the charter members. His burning scalp makes it impossible to ride in cars with roofs without sticking his head out the window "like a dog."

MARY THUNDER (real name Amesha Spentas): The team's wild card? In part 7 of Royal Flush, Zoroaster of the COUNCIL OF FIVE claimed that his agent would be in place within 42 hours. And at the appointed time, Amesha arrived requesting a tryout. By speaking the magic word "Swiddom," she becomes Mary Thunder, possessing flight, strength and soul fire. Some of the members were suspicious enough of her origin before ENFORCER noted that her chest insignia is one associated with ancient Zoroastrianism. SHAMROCK, meanwhile, is jealous to the point of distraction that she's not the only person alive who can fly any more. Amesha explained her origin in Swamp Gas Reciprocation Engineering Blues, saying that "Swiddom" is the name of the wizard who gave her the powers "a couple of years ago" in Chicargo.

MATTER LAD: Charter member with alchemical powers that allow him to change elements from one to another. He led the team during the Sniffin Middle days, was co-chair with THUNDER LAD from the team's rebirth in 1984 for two years, before giving THUNDER LAD sole leadership. He has dated PANTHERA for several years and is the most volatile and violent member of the team. He has maintained suspicions about the nature of their powers and origins, and, as shown in Royal Flush, some of his suspicions are borne out.

MENTAL GIRL (retired): One of the Scandal High heroes who joined the team when MATTER LAD, COLOSSAL KID and PANTHERA went to high school in 1984. She has various telepathic and telekinetic powers and can temporarily shut peoples' minds down with a "brain blast." She is the team's resident intellectual and detests commercial culture in favor of a more austere, philosophical lifestyle. She is introduced in episode 1 of War at Scandal High. Her love of tennis makes its first appearance in part 2 of Powers and Abilities. Following her graduation (honor roll) at the close of Royal Flush, she was forced by policy to leave the team, and enrolled in summer classes at the University of Georgia.

NOVA GIRL: With SHAMROCK, joined the team in their first recruitment drive, and is a Griffin graduate. She is first seen, with long hair, in The Best Idea Since Bread, and joins the team in between Fear of Flying and Walls of Jericho. She has energy blast powers similar to SUNSTORM, with the additional, rarely used power of energy absorption. Clearly not the team's brightest spark, she was COLOSSAL KID's secret admirer for weeks before they began dating in Blinded By Science. Dating resulted in even poorer school performance, and began threatening her place on the team in Royal Flush.

PANTHERA: The first newcomer to join the team, in episode 2 of The Sniffin Middle Affair. She has the power to shrink and to turn invisible. She has dated MATTER LAD since shortly after meeting him, and was voted team leader for the 1987-88 school year. She and Thunder Lad served as co-chairs in June 1987. Her parents don't have nearly as great an objection to her seeing the volatile Matter Lad, or even superheroing, as they do her driving the family car.

PHANTOM LASS (retired): One of the five Scandal High schoolers to join the team in 1984, she has the power to "phase," making herself immaterial to pass through walls. She was crippled with guilt for several years for surviving the massacre that killed five of her old colleagues. Introduced in episode 1 of War at Scandal High, she left the team after graduation bound for Princeton in Fear of Flying. She returned briefly in February 1987 to attend the memorial service of The Brain's father in Slaves of the Machine God.

POWER LAD (deceased): This hero with unspecified, but enormous mental powers was active at Sniffin before the Legion formed, and spent several weeks in OCI (on-campus isolation) before he was freed by the heroes and joined their team in episode 3 of The Sniffin Middle Affair. Two episodes later, he gave his life to fend off the FURIOUS FOUR in a self-destruct blast.

SHAMROCK: Joined the group with NOVA GIRL in the fall of 1986 and introduced in episode 2 of Walls of Jericho, although she had been mentioned four episodes previously, in The Best Idea Since Bread. SHAMROCK gets one of four random powers for a 24-hour period from "The Blarney Stone": flight, invisibility, teleportation or strength. Until the appearance of MARY THUNDER in the summer of 1987, Shamrock was the only superhuman on the planet who can fly, and none bar SUPERDUPERMAN or PALIDUS can match her on her "strength" day. She is very knowledgable about geography and world cultures. She was wounded by gunfire in Powers and Abilities, and out of action for around two weeks.

SPEEDY: Seventh member of the team, with super speed powers. When introduced, he wore a costume ripping off "the Flash," but has since stylized it and is still active with the group. He is the closest thing to the team's class clown, but a serious side has emerged during the course of 1987.

SUNSTORM (deceased): Charter member with the power to create energy blasts. He was killed by Mrs. COCKROACH in episode 7 of The Sniffin Middle Affair.

THUNDER LAD (retired): Leader of the unnamed band of heroes that operated in Scandal High, he shares with his brother (the villain THUNDER LORD) the power to generate electricity. His sister was the late FEATHER. He co-chaired the team with MATTER LAD from 1984-86 and became sole chair in October 1986. Since February 1987, he has dated a former cheerleader named Sheila McDONALD. He owns an old Chevy van, and, to the consternation of his teammates, listens to lots of heavy metal music. Introduced in episode 1 of War at Scandal High, he graduated following the events of Royal Flush and began attending Georgia Tech in the fall of 1987, carpooling GAS BOY and Sheila to GSU.

TORNADO BOY: First mentioned in episode 1 of Royal Flush, he is inducted into the team on the last day of the 1986-87 school year and shown on the last page of that story. He generates breezes which he can then turn into hurricane-force winds or tornadoes. Tornado Boy means well, but tends towards clumsiness or foot-in-mouth syndrome, which has annoyed MATTER LAD greatly on occasion. His battle cry is "blow wind blow!"

VIRUS: The last member to join the original incarnation of the team, and originally called INFECTIOUS GIRL, she possesses the power to generate any type of germ. She has had a crush on ENFORCER for years and, in late 1986, abandoned her costume and took the new name VIRUS. In May 1987, she confessed her crush, and divulged details of their awkward first date in part 1 of Powers and Abilities.

b. Other heroes. These are listed, solo or by group, in order of first appearance.

b.1. The Substitute Legion
"They haven't gained full control over their powers, so we're training them." -- Matter Lad

There were six members of this team, introduced in episode 4 of The Sniffin Middle Affair. Flame Kid, Frostbite Boy, Night Chick and an unidentified member were killed by the FURIOUS FOUR in the following episode. Ultra Lad was left in a coma by PALIDUS and INFECTIOUS GIRL joined the team.

b.2. The Scandal High heroes of 1983-84
Ten heroes were active in Scandal High before MATTER LAD, COLOSSAL KIDPANTHERA and started there. Five of them (COYOTE, GAS BOY, MENTAL GIRL, PHANTOM LASS and THUNDER LAD) joined the Legion. Five others were murdered by a strike force soon after forming as shown in flashback in Fear of Flying. These were:

b.2.a. the Brain, who had no powers but an incredible intellect. Some of his inventions were stolen by THUNDER LORD and used against the Legion in Walls of Jericho. It was revealed in Slaves of the Machine God, a story which featured another invention causing trouble for humanity, that his real name was Brian King.
b.2.b. Dream Baby (powers unknown, dated Star Guy)
b.2.c. the Feather (THUNDER LAD's sister, could remove objects' weight)
b.2.d. Magnetic Boy (with magnetic powers)
b.2.e. Star Guy (powers unknown, dated Dream Baby)

b.3. MAMUWALDI (deceased)
An alien "policeman" with the powers of invunerability and soul fire. He had been imprisoned centuries ago by an ancestor of Mr. BIASED and recovered by spending some years sharing a body with the former CHEWABLE KID, who now called himself the ENFORCER. Once recovered in 1986, Mamuwaldi left Enforcer's body. He was seen in episode 4 of Walls of Jericho facing down strange creatures in India. His death at their hands was revealed at the conclusion of School Rules.

A non-powered team of adventurers referred to in part 4 of Whatever Happened to the Class of '86?. They fought the 2-D MAN sometime in 1985 or 1986.

b.5. The Legion applicants
A large number of heroes, or powered individuals, roam the halls of SHS, but do not act due to a school regulation barring any but the Legion from operating, and regulations limiting the team's size. Some of these may not have moved up to Scandal (they may have moved), and most have retired, but all were mentioned as applicants for the two slots eventually filled by NOVA GIRL and SHAMROCK in September 1986.

b.5.a. Tyrock was first seen in The Best Idea Since Bread applying for membership. He made the final four but was cut since his power, whatever it was, relied on having his guitar and amp plugged in. He is a student at Scandal, and has probably helped out in a crisis or two. He is again considered in part 1 of Royal Flush and again rejected, but attends the hero convention and is seen in part 3 of that story.
b.5.b. VCR Repair Boy
b.5.c. Head-Pop-Off Boy
b.5.d. Mattress King was a Rash student who did not make it past the first round of applicants. He has the power to make people fall asleep. More details are listed in b.15 below.
b.5.e. The Color Coder
b.5.f. Microwave Master is finally seen in part six of Royal Flush. His power is to agitate molecules and thereby increase body temperature, and was rejected because his power could potentially be lethal. He is very terse and tends to drop the subject from his sentences.
b.5.g. Top Speed was a Rash student who apparently had super speed, but not up to SPEEDY's level.
b.5.h. Foam Boy
b.5.i. El Rodeo
b.5.j. President Girl
b.5.k. Global Guy
b.5.l. Captain Atlanta
b.5.m. Oldsmobile Boy
b.5.n. California Girl was finally seen on camera in a crowd scene in part 3 of Royal Flush. When next seen, in A Bullet for Zippy Morocco, she had elected to ditch the silly costume she wore in the 1986-87 school year and just go with a bikini top and denim shorts.
b.5.o. Snake Bite
b.5.p. Kid Campus
b.5.q. Indelible Black Magic Marker Lad has, in place of his right index finger, a magic marker with indelible ink. He attends Scandal and is responsible for some school graffiti, as mentioned in Walls of Jericho. He makes an off-camera appearance in Royal Flush episode four, blasted unconscious by SATAN.
b.5.r. Hollywood Queen was mentioned by the ENFORCER as one of only two good candidates from Griffin. Nevertheless, she failed to make their final four that year. In Royal Flush, however, she makes the team, and is listed in the Legion section above.
b.5.s. Gun Guy was seen in episode 2 of Walls of Jericho and had the power to materialize a loaded revolver from thin air. Among the reasons for his rejection was that he didn't fit the image the Legion was trying to project. Probably without specific invitation, he attended the hero convention and is seen throughout Royal Flush.
b.5.t. Topless Girl was mentioned to Gun Guy as another example of an image the team was not interested in, though what her image is, we can only speculate. Off camera, she puts in an appearance at the hero convention in Royal Flush, to some gawks and stares from heroes who do not know her, and is referenced in part 2 of that story.
b.5.u. Spontaneous Human Combustion Boy was rejected as his power is instantly lethal to any opponent. Nevertheless, he appears in a crowd shot in episode 3 of Royal Flush, always ready to help with a fistfight, but prepared to kill if things get too terrible. He has a large burn on the right side of his face.

b.6. FERRO BOY (deceased)
He was also a Legion applicant, but when rejected, he joined the LEGION OF SCANDAL HIGH SCHOOL, desperate for acceptance. This very naive boy, who had the power to turn his body to iron, finally saved the day by shutting down the Miniature Sun in part 8 of Walls of Jericho, redeeming himself and dying a hero.

b.7. ICARUS was first mentioned in Walls of Jericho part 2 as having died flying into the sun. However, when he made a dramatic reappearance in The Return of the Chrome Crusader, it turned out he had instead fallen into a warp and spent 1000 years as a ghost in Limbo, where he watched a cult turn his name into the mightiest religion in history. From the future, he travelled back in time to clear his name and shut down the cult, the Icarus Imperative, before it got too powerful. Icarus's only power is that of flight, and he has shining silver skin.

b.8.a. URBAN RENEWAL MAN and his partner,
b.8.b. EWAN McSTINKY have not yet appeared in continuity, but it was reported in The Return of the Chrome Crusader that they were active prior to the Legion's founding. URM had the power to lift a tall building, but only after eating three kumquats and Ewan, a Scotsman with halitosis, breathed on him. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

b.9. Heroes of SPRAYED BERRIES High School
The Sprayed Berries district occupies the northern tier of the county, with a border on Cherokee County. Key points in the district include the commercial corridor of the City Center Mall region at Interstates 75 and 575, the northern suburbs of Mayretta, and the small agricultural region of the Cherokee border. Middle schools in the district include the "public Christian school" Daniel and the Lion Middle. Tensions run high between Sprayed Berries and Trojan for reasons noted in the Trojan listing. The team at Sprayed Berries is called the DEFENSE FORCE and is considered the fourth most powerful county team. The Defense Force frequently allies itself with the North Corncob Crime Smashers when investigating crimes in the city of Kennesaw, which straddles the line separating the two districts. Members of the Defense Force include:

b.9.a.1. MAGNETRAX is first seen in a cameo in part 6 of Slaves of the Machine God. He can manipulate magnetic fields and move metal objects. He is seen again in the Royal Flush adventure, beginning in part two, where a newscaster refers to him as a veteran of the team.
b.9.a.2. OCEAN BOY, who typically sports some slow-growing facial hair and possesses the power to turn air into water. He is the team's leader and is first seen in part 1 of Royal Flush.
b.9.a.3. MILLISECOND LAD, who can "freeze time." He creates a small field that lasts for five seconds. During these seconds, he can move while the rest of time stands still. He can use this power for a form of super speed he calls "timewarping," wherein he keeps moving in one direction, and every five seconds, as his power charges down, he activates it again and again, enabling him to cover large distances quickly. Using his power in this way is physically exhausting, however. He is first seen in a crowd shot in part 2 of Royal Flush.
b.9.a.4. HALO GIRL, who can create flashes and pulses in the air and who is first seen in a crowd scene in part 4 of Royal Flush, and thick in the action later in that episode. She tends to be quite surly, but is impressed with Hollywood Queen's
similar power, and heroically attempts to save Athletic Lad from Satan.
b.9.a.5. SUNBURN, who is the Defense Force's resident practical joker and practical member. First seen in part 4 of Royal Flush, he has the power to generate fires or intense heat. He also has the ability to create a burst of blinding heat and light, but this ability burns the skin of anyone standing near him. Sunburn's knowledge of pop music is unparalleled, yet he lacks the ability or the sense to stop talking about it.
b.9.b. JELLYFISH JOE attended the hero convention and appears briefly in part five of Royal Flush but does not consider himself a hero and declined to join the Defense Force. His skin is electrified and sticky and he gives painful shocks to anyone who touches him, unless the other person is protected by rubber or vinyl. He went ahead and bought a T-shirt with a jellyfish on it, but considers his ability, while not a curse, certainly an annoyance.

b.10. Heroes of BLIZZARD OF OSBOURNE High School
"Blizzard High" is the nearest school geographically to Scandal. It is known throughout the state for its courses in mechanical and industrial trades. Its district borders the cities of Smyrna and Mayretta, and includes the town of Mableton and the unincorporated commercial district of Austell and Hicks Roads. The district shares a huge border with McMoney (below), which roughly follows the path of the major Powder Springs Road thoroughfare, however both sides of this commerical artery lie within the McMoney district. Blizzarders are derided throughout the county as being uncouth rednecks, an accusation not entirely without merit. Blizzard has no organized team, but its heroes do work together. Known heroes include:
b.10.a. ROBIN HOOD, introduced in Melody of Chaos pt. 1, who has no powers but is an expert archer with trick arrows. He is seen in action in Royal Flush, and does battle with the villain STONE, using concussion arrows.
b.10.b. The WALL CRAWLER, introduced in Melody of Chaos pt.1, who can, errr, crawl up walls. He appears in a few crowd scenes in Royal Flush as well.

b.11. SUPERDUPERMAN first appeared in the dramatic cliffhanger to The Criminal Fraternity. Over the weekend prior to events in Powers and Abilities, he made headlines worldwide in a series of rescues and crimefighting derring-do. However, his plan to unite all the high school heroes into a crime-fighting army met with some resistance, and when he kidnapped Libyan leader Moammar Qadaffi to answer charges of terrorism, the Legion concocted a plan to assassinate him and make it look like he had died in space, a hero. MUNDANE THE MIGHTY revealed Superduperman's true origins in
Royal Flush.

b.12. Heroes of McMONEY High School
McMoney is the large school that encompasses the largest geographic area in Corncob: the western, sparsely populated, affluent and overwhelmingly conservative region that includes the city of Powder Springs. Its team, the EAGLES (named after the school mascot) is the second most powerful in the county, and rivals the Legion in terms of headlines and positive press. McMoney has by far the best library in the county, and possibly the best in any high school worldwide. The Eagles and their politics are generally loathed at Scandal. The feeling is mutual, but the heroes are quick to put their differences aside for the common good. Members of the Eagles include:
b.12.a.1. CAPTAIN FANTASTIC, first introduced in Powers and Abilities pt. 2, who possesses a power not revealed at this time. He is the team leader, a Young Republican who adores positive press and whose generally upbeat and enthusiastic persona is summed up by his exclamation point logo.
b.12.a.2. THE STRANGER, whose real name is Quabal and who attended Griffin Middle before his parents moved to the McMoney district. The Stranger posesses what laymen call magical powers, though he insists it is merely an understanding of different forms of physics. He is first seen in episode 2 of Royal Flush.
b.12.a.3. BLACKOUT BOY, who can create either strobing flashes of blackness, or generate a thick beam of "shadow light" that blocks all other light sources from penetrating.
b.12.a.4. WHITE TORNADO, who can influence the wind's direction and strength. Unlike the Legion's TORNADO BOY, he cannot create breezes where there are none. However, he can completely deaden existing winds or magnify them to gale force. He first appears in a crowd scene in episode 3 of Royal Flush.
b.12.a.5. CHRONOLOGY QUEEN, whose power involves instantly knowing the exact age of any object or person. The Eagles are happy to have her along despite the generally weak nature of her power as a fighter, since she has a very upbeat personality and is an excellent tool for research and crime solving. She first appears in a crowd scene in episode 3 of Royal Flush.
b.12.a.6. GOLD BOY was first mentioned in the narration of Melody of Chaos but unseen until part four of Royal Flush. He possesses enormous strength as well as the ability to turn any element into gold. He can be considered a slightly weaker mix of SHAMROCK and MATTER LAD.
b.12.b. GLASS GIRL, who is apparently from the only Democratic family in the district, has refused to join the Eagles, though she is on speaking terms with them. She usually wears dance leotards and fires shards of glass. She first appears in part six of Royal Flush. Following the events of that story, she is seen to be friendly with some of the heroes at other schools, mainly ENFORCER, VIRUS, HALO GIRL and THE SWORDSMAN.

b.13. Heroes of TROJAN High School
The Trojan district is in the northeast corner of Corncob. The school, while not one of the largest, sports the largest marching band in Georgia. One of every three students is in the band. Its team, the LIBERTY SQUADRON, is another very powerful outfit, although not one with the opportunity to make many headlines since there are no malls and no incorporated cities within its district. Trojan is bitter cross-town rivals with Sprayed Berries High. Each school is located along Sandy Plains Road, a major thoroughfare that connects Mayretta with the Fulton County city Roswell, and each school knows that funding could be drastically affected by shifting the geographic line separating them to annex businesses on either side. Members of the Liberty Squadron have included:

b.13.a.1. CANNONBALL QUEEN, who wears a grey shirt with the Corncob County logo on it and who was made team leader some months prior to the events of Powers and Abilities and introduced in part 2. Her real name is Lynn.
b.13.a.2. RIVERMAN, who named himself after a Nick Drake song and spurns suggestions he should be called Lad or Boy or something like that. He opens tunnels through space and time, one side of which always appears inside a body of water, which immediately flows through the tunnel. The result is a catastrophic flood, since water blasts into an enclosed area far faster than the similarly-powered OCEAN BOY can transform air into water. First seen coming to Cannonball Queen's attention at the close of part 2 of Royal Flush.
b.13.a.3. BELL GIRL (deceased), who created force fields that were shaped like bells. These force fields resisted all physical attacks, but energy could still pass through them. Bell Girl is seen in a crowd shot in part 3 of Royal Flush, but is tragically murdered by SATAN in the following episode.
b.13.a.4. VIBRAPHONE KID, who has the power to create a deafening sonic boom that sounds like a vibraphone. Prolonged exposure to the boom can cause hallucinations or permanent hearing loss. Few criminals want to risk it.
b.13.b. WINE LASS declined membership in the Liberty Squadron and rarely uses her power, which is to turn air into any wine of her choosing. Wine Lass is very aware of how silly her power can be and screams the vintage and style of wine as a battle cry before unleashing a small wave of it. If Hollywood was making very special episodes of GMS Legion, they'd use her to discuss teen alcoholism. Suffice it to say she can drink any of your butts under the table.

b.14. Heroes of NORTH CORNCOB High School
North Corncob occupies the northwest corner of the county, including the city of Acworth and two-thirds of the city of Kennesaw. This district is predominantly rural and low-income. The school and the city of Acworth are defended by the small team The Crime Smashers, who also work with the Defense Force to police Kennesaw. While hardly cross-town rivals, North Corncobbers are frequently squabbling with people in the McMoney district, although here the boundary issue deals with affluent neighborhoods and not commerce. Members of the Crime Smashers include:

b.14.a.1. ATHLETIC LAD, one of the rare non-powered heroes. He was placed as team leader as a freshman to give a consistent image and to show that you don't have to have powers to be a hero. Athletic Lad possesses phenomenal speed and agility, but not at inhuman levels. He is first seen in part 1 of Royal Flush, but suffered an injury attacking SATAN that left his leg broken and himself out of action for the entire summer of 1987.
b.14.a.2. PANDORA, who suffers from a split personality, only one of whom has a super power (as yet unrevealed). Pandora has dangerously long fingernails and ragged hair, usually dressing in tattered clothes. Her most striking feature are her eyes, which are very large, and with black corneas and white retinas. She is first seen in the background in part 2 of Royal Flush, but does not have a speaking part until the following episode.
b.14.a.3. VIPER is among the most powerful of superheroes. She is invunerable to all known energy or elemental attacks, and generates a green energy blast with a variety of properties and strengths.
b.14.b. DARK HORSE elected to not join the Crime Smashers. His is the power to telepathically communicate with and control horses, and he is first seen in a crowd scene in part 3 of Royal Flush. He sometimes wears glasses, depending on how inept the artist is drawing to model on any given day.

b.15. Heroes of MAYRETTA City High School
Mayretta is a large school within the county seat of Corncob, with an organizational structure totally outside the Corncob County School System, operated instead by the city. Mayretta is even isolated on the sports field, since its system is considered a class AAA and the county teams.
continued in Part Two - The Villains

The GMS Legion, all characters and images are the copyright of Grant Goggans, ©1990-2003