
Pledging Uncovered

The pledge processes of many GLO's mimic the arrest of Jesus in the garden all the way to His resurrection and ascension. The blindfolding, paddling, blood, sweat, tears, the trial (GLO's have their pledges put on trial), etc. The most sinister of all is the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Here you are, freshman Jon Doe (JD) or Mary Jane (MJ). You decide to pledge. The moment you pledge, your whole identity is lost. You are no longer JD or MJ. They are dead and buried. You are a walking epitaph.

JD is now Lamp #1- Underworld, MJ is Pyramid #3- Isis Girl. The whole line name for JD's process is, The Lamps of Osiris, and for MJ, The daughters of Ma'at. You are now buried and dead through your whole process. Then all of a sudden, you make it through the pledge process, including your trial. You are now initiated and exalted (resurrected and ascended) as a member. You are no longer JD or MJ. You have been transformed into JD the Omega and MJ the Delta. You have been raised from the dead of being who you were, to being what they made you. You are BORN AGAIN into the GLO.