
The Delta Meditation vs. I Corinthians 13

This is a real ugly, ungodly piece of work that an organization that claims to be founded upon Christian principles has perpetrated.
Get your Bibles out!!

"Though I speak with the tongues of the learned and profound, and have no love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging symbol.
And though I prophesy, know all Delta laws, ritual, traditions and secrets, and can recite them glibly;
And though I have such absolute devotion to duty that I can do anything my hands undertake, and have not love, I am nothing.
Though I spend all my time working on worthy projects, and though I give all I possess, pay all assessments, strive with all my might for Delta, and have no love, I make it amount to nothing.
A true Soror is very patient, very kind. Her love for her Sorors knows no jealousy; she makes no parade, puts on no airs, is never rude, never, defensive, never selfish, never irritated, never resentful.
A true Delta is never glad when others go wrong; she is gladdened by goodness, always slow to expose, never a carrier of gossip, always eager to believe the best, always willing to help others in the slow process of growth.
She wears her pin with humility. Her love never disappears. As for interpreting the law, it will be superseded; as for tongues, they will cease; as for a college education, it will be superseded.
For now we know only bit by bit and we prophesy bit by bit; But when the true sisterly spirit is attained, the uncharitable shall fade away.
When I was a pyramid, I talked as a Pyramid, I understood as a Pyramid, I thought as a Pyramid, but now that I have become a Delta, I am done with the ways of those intending to be Deltas.
At present we see only the great potentialities of a Sisterhood founded on Christian principles, but some day we shall know that its realization rests upon the quality of our lives in fellowship one with the other.
At present I am learning bit by bit, but then shall understand as all along the Creator of all has understood the dignity and the worth of every individual.
Thus faith, and hope and love last on, these three, but in Delta Sigma Theta, the greatest of these is love."
(The Official Ritual of the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., p.79-80, 1996)

Now why would an organization that is founded upon Christian principles say this, "We believe in a spiritual life but we leave to the individual the selection of the medium for its outward manifestation." John 14:6/Acts 4:12 say the exact opposite. A Christian based organization promoting and condoning ANY and EVERY religion. Creating a HAVEN for false beliefs to be perpetuated and cultivated. For a Christian to want something like this that bad, oh well!!!