The Jonny Quest

Mailng Lists

Are you a die-hard Jonny Quest fan? Have you seen just every episode there is to be seen? Have you read every Jonny comic there is to be read? Have you viewed every Jonny Quest homepage that there is to view? But you still want more?

There is a solution. Join one of the Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest mailing lists!

Below you will find the ground rules for the three seperate mailing lists, as well as information on how to join.

Quest Fans be warned: The list can generate large volumes of mail each day, usually 50+ messages on calm days. Do not join if you cannot handle the e-mail load.


Thank you to Jonny, list owner, for help in compiling the rules.

This is the main list. It comprises of 150 some-odd members at the moment. This list usually has more off-topic posts than the other lists, and the mail load can get quite frenzied.

If you would like to join, send an e-mail to The subject will be ignored, so you can put whatever you want there. But here is the important part: In the BODY of the e-mail, type "subscribe jq". In a few minutes or so, you should receive an e-mail from Majordomo welcoming you to the list.

Please keep in mind that this list will generate the largest mail load. It also usually crashes once every few months. Be prepared!

When you are subscribed, send mail to Don't forget to e-mail us to tell us that you've joined!

This list is what's known as the Quest Refugee List. This is because when the mail load on the first list became too great, this list was created. This list has generally stricter rules about discussion. I have yet to encounter an off-topic post here. The mail load is minimalist. It has not crashed to date.

If you would like to join, send an e-mail to The subject will be ignored, so you can put whatever you want there. But here is the important part: In the BODY of the e-mail, type "subscribe quest". In a minute or two, you should receive an e-mail from majordomo welcoming you to the list.

When you are subscribed, send mail to Don't forget to e-mail us to tell us that you've joined!

This list is the Fanfiction ML, also known as the ffml. This list comprises completely of fanfiction, with no discussion posts. It is good to join if you want the fics without all the junk. Sending fanfiction to the Refugees List is fine and welcome, but it is gradually being edged off of the list and onto this one. Mail load is minimalist.

If you would like to join, send mail to and type 'subscribe jqbackup' in the body of the message. You should receive a confirmation e-mail shortly.

This list, since it is a free, commercially-run list, is subject to frequent crashes. E-mail the moderator, Alexis, for help if you need it.

When you've subscribed, send mail to Don't forget to e-mail us to say you've joined!

If you are having technical difficulties with any of the lists, see the Jonny Quest Mailing List Help Guide for tips and troubleshooting suggestions.

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