CASE # 001


Jonathan Quest. A genius in every aspect. A maverick of virtual reality. A risk-taker: bold and daring. And honest. Or is he?

What is that mop of hair hiding? It has been suggested that he bleaches his hair. But others vehemently deny it. What do you think? I interviewed two of Jonny's close friends, who requested to remain anonymous:

Dark Sentinel: say you think Jonny bleaches his hair?

Anonymous Friend 1: Absolutely. I have found notices hidden under his mattress from The Hair Club For MenŠ, rejecting him as a member of their Bleach-Head Branch.

DS: What else leads you to believe that he bleaches his hair?

AF1: That's definitely not it. Yesterday when I was emptying the garbage, I found a box of Clairol Blonde Hair Color. Also, his eyebrows are black, but his hair is blonde. What would that naturally lead you to believe?

DS: Interesting. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.

Dark Sentinel: You don't think that Jonny bleaches his hair?

Anonymous Friend 2: No. Since when does a kid that is always moving like he does take the time to bleach his hair? It is simply not probable.

DS: Well, he does have to shower, right?

AF2: I must agree with you on that one. But bleaching one's hair takes a great deal of time. It must be massaged into the scalp properly, then it must sit for a spell until it is soaked in. Then it must be rinsed.

DS: True. But do you have any solid evidence as to why not?

AF2: Yes. As to the other interview, that Clairol Blonde Hair Color box was probably Race Bannon's. I heard him grumbling this morning that he could never get his hair color to be anything but white. It was most certainly not Jonny's, my friend.

DS: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to allow me to interview you. I owe ya one.

AF2: An interview is never owed, when done out of friendship.

You have heard the testimonies. Gone over the evidence. Now it's your turn. What is the truth behind Jonny's golden locks? Please report your findings below.

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