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Adam Chase has his new homepage upQ. He's a good friend of mine and we've promised to swap links to improve our Google rankings, so I'm putting this up here.

Adrian Majkrzak is my best friend from childhood. He is an accomplished artist in both traditional and computer-based styles. He is also a recent graduate from Cogswell Polytechnical and is looking for a job. So if you are with a game or film studio in need of a texture artist or modeler head on over to his homepage to see his resume and some samples of his work. Be sure to checkout his demo reel. You will need the latest DivX codec.

Ben Miller is an associate of mine who maintained a weblog called "Rotting in Memories" that chronicles his life around Eastern Michigan University. When I first read it, I was surprised to find myself included in the narrative. Interesting to read how other people view you. He apparently thought my name was Jon. BUT! he no longer maintains it. Though you can read the archive.

Joe Haldeman is probably my favorite author. He is a vastly underappreciated novelist. While he has earned much respect inside the world of science fiction, I believe his work has much to offer to people on the outside as well. But for the plot minded here is a point-for-point rundown of several of his books at Allscifi.com, where I have become the "Top Scholar" on Haldeman. I can now hold my head up high.

L. Wheeler is a former coworker of mine who draws a sci-fi/fantasy web-comic called Rain Walks. Go read it.

Matt G. and Justin Bardic are hiphop artists from Ypsilanti. Their Family and Friends EP is out.


Cellar Roots is Eastern Michigan University's magazine for the literary and visual arts. They gave me my first publication credit with The apple is a boy. The worm is a girl.

Dark Moon Rising is an online 'zine for scfi-fi, fantasy, horror fiction and poetry. My narrative poem Zombie Haiku Cycle currently features in their December 2002/January 2003 issue.

Denovozine- "Speculative fiction from a new voice." They are a quarterly webzine devoted to SF that bucks the traditional ideas of SF. My story "It Happens" is in their Spring 2003 issue.

Dicey Brown is a relatively new online magazine featuring quality poems and fiction. It's probably the most "literary" publication I've been accepted by. My story "Still Waters Run Wide and Deep From Narrow Wells" will run in the upcoming Winter 2004 issue.

The Dream People is a webzine put out by Eraserhead Press. They traffic in pretty weird stuff. My story "The Sainted Lady of the Sea" features in their July 2003 issue.

Dufus an online extension of the poetry journal Lumox. Currently featured is a poem by my dear friend Laura Leigh Jaworski.

The Eastern Echo is the independent student newspaper of Eastern Michigan University. I wrote for the entertainment section my freshman year in college, and currently have a column.

Fables is a great webzine and "virtual hamlet dedicated to providing quality folklore and speculative fiction on the internet." Their words not mine. In addition to new and old mythology as well as "traditional" sci-fi/fantasy they also publish illustrations, poetry and audio. A story of mine called "The Cat Inside" appeared in their Summer 2003 issue. A story from my dear departed (for Missouri) friend Laura Leigh Jaworski will appeared in the Fall 2003 issue.

The First Line is a print journal with an interesting twist. Each issue has a unique first line with which all the stories must begin. They ran a well reviewed story by my good friend Laura Leigh Jaworski in their Spring 2003 issue.

Happy is one of the better print lit journals out there today. They publish only what strikes them as interesting, and it's never boring. My story We're Counting on You ran in issue 17. Happy doesn't have a webpage, so this link takes you to an article that serves as a good introduction.

Hush Your Mouth! is community newspaper in Detroit focusing on the positive aspects of the neighborhoods, especially the historic Northwest-Goldberg area. It is edited by the incomparable Charles Simmons. I have written an article for them, and hope to write more in the future.

Jam Rag is the only magazine devoted exclusively to the Detroit music scene, and consequently, is only available in Michigan. They have a website now, though it has yet to carry content. For a free music publication, it doesn't get much better. An article I wrote about the Oil-Rock band Petroleum Bloodfang ran in the February 2003 issue. I also interviewed Sounds of the Czars for their November 2003 issue.

La Voz Latina is a free, monthly bilingual newspaper that serves the Latino community of Washtenaw County. I interviewed Dr. Alberto Nacif, host of Cuban Fantasy on 89.1 WEMU, for the March 2003 issue.

Lite Lit is a web mag devoted to publishing literature by unkown writers. That includes me. My story "The Last Pac-Man on the Island" is up there.

Metro Times is "metro detroit's news, arts & culture weekly." I don't quite live in the metro-Detroit area, but I still receive this alternative newsweekly. My story Obviating Squirrels placed in their 2003 Summer Fiction Contest.

Mythos Collector is a quarterly publication devoted to H.P. Lovecraft put out by Dark Tree Press. I've got two articles lined up for them, one about Yuggoth Records, the other about the upcoming film adaptation of Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath.

The New Absurdist is a website devoted to absurdity, the literary school of melting clocks and people slapping each other with herring. I have a few pieces up there.

Words on a Wire is probably the best online poetry journal that I have ever seen. Not only do they publish good poetry, they have an admirable aesthetic philosophy.

Writer's Hood is an online magazine for fiction of all types. They were kind enough to publish my "Bird Story."


bizarrEbooks are dimunitive electronic missives that go for only $1 or cheaper. They have published my e-book CATS HATE FISH LOVE BAATHS, which is free to download. Brought to you by the The New Absurdist.

Dark Tree Press is a small New England press devoted to Lovecraft-style horror and sci-fi. In addition to the zines Black Satellite and Mythos Collector they publish chapbooks.

Eraserhead Press publishes "[t]he new cult classics of the literary small press" "specializ[ing] in a new genre called BIZARRE, providing novels by raw underground authors who are becoming the leading names in contemporary weirdo-ism." They publish novels and run the The Dream People.

Ludlow Press is an independent book publisher out of NYC. Despite having what is possibly the world's most annoying website, they get a mention for asking to see my manuscript and publishing other obscure authors.

Soft Skull Press "is fearless, progressive, independently minded literature, from political nonfiction to pop culture, intrepid fiction to innovative new poetry." A corporate "punk rock" press that rejected me but it still very cool beside that. They're probably most famous for picking up J.H. Hatfield's Fortunate Son bio of G.W. Bush that the cowardly bastards at St. Martins dropped.


Ypsilanti Food Cooperative- Pretty much the only place I buy my food. Offers organic and locally grown stuff, as well as some commercial and alternative brands at good prices. I recently took over editing their newsletter, and am proud to contribute.