Table of Contents


Frank B. Finite (a "true" atheist)


Where Are They Now?


Darwin's Creek


Amazing Transitional Animals


Ask Miko


The Book of Chances


Opposable Thumbs


Survey SAYS...


Your Evological Horrorscope


Advertising Supplement


Call for Entries


The Evolutionary Classifieds


Letters to the Editor


The Real Story


Past Issues


Contact the fools - How you ca contact the us

My name is pronounced "meekowe"

And don't you forget it!

I have lived several years (because I am fit) and learned a thing or two about life (surviving it). So this makes me very qualified at helping others with their daily survival.

Ergo, that is why I am the "help" writer for this publication.

It takes many random typings to create something coherent, but there's always one that seems to make enough sense to publish.


This Month's Letter:

Well, there is no "this month's letter." Miko went on vacation to a family reunion and forgot to write his article.

However, don't be distraught! We (and you) got very lucky.

Miko also forgot his laptop by the tree and the randomly falling acorns typed out an article for him!

If you find this hard to believe, we theorize that since it is a very tall tree, it took a long time for the acorns to fall from the tree to the keyboard. This long time span should ease any discomfort you should have about believing said event.

Of coarse, this isn't so hard to believe since life arose from this sort of randomness too.

Anyway, all we had to do was run a spelll chekcer on it and it was good to go.

It is a Top Ten list of survival techniques.

P.S. - Miko said he would bring back pictures of his family and share his experience with us in a future article.

The Top 10 Ways to Help Insure Survival:


Number 10: Never poke Nature with a stick


Number 9: If it's a carnivore, don't try to ride it


Number 8: Never attack THEIR queen without sufficient backup


Number 7: Don't tease the alpha male


Number 6: Never try to sneak into the alpha male's harem


Number 5: Diversify your portfolio


Number 4: Never misinterpret aggression as a courtship dance


Number 3: Don't rely on a "right to life" because such a right does NOT exist


Number 2: Become a church leader


And the Number 1 way to help insure survival is . . .


Run, run, run!