Current Rosters
Current Standings
League Transactions
League Officers
League Rules
League Schedule
NFL Statistics
NFL Injuries
2001 BFL Draft Order
About the BFL

Letter to the Owners

League Divisions
Vince Lombardi George Halas Tom Landry
McKamikaze Highlanders The Outlanders The Meek Boys
Pigskin Pipsqueaks Missouri Manglers Bemee Gizzards
The Dawgs The Butchers American Looney
Cheeseheads The Mules The Mustangs

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Playoffs

A Unique Fantasy Football League

Week 6 Transactions
PAP Transactions 
The American Looney sign:
 Chicago             DS  Bears        for  40 TPs
The American Looney cut:
 Bennett, Michael    RB  Vikings

The Dawgs sign:
 Jacksonville        DS  Jaguars      for  53 TPs
The Dawgs cut:
 Jackson, Darrell    WR  Seahawks 
The Manglers sign:
 Brady, Tom          QB  Patriots     for  41 TPs
 Glenn, Terry        WR  Patriots     for 105 TPs
The Manglers DL:
 Wheatley, Tyrone    RB  Raiders      for  15 TPs 
The Manglers cut:
 Goings, Nick        RB  Panthers

The Mules sign:
 Kitna, Jon          QB  Bengals      for  40 TPs
 New York            DS  Jets         for  40 TPs
The Mules cut:
 Johnson, Rob        QB  Bills
 Anderson, Gary      PK  Vikings

The Mustangs activate:
 Dunn, Warrick       RB  Bucs
The Mustangs sign:
 Johnson, Kevin      WR  Browns       for  81 TPs
The Mustangs cut:
 San Diego           DS  Chargers
 Rice, Jerry         WR  Raiders 

Trade Transactions 


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Week 6 Scores

Week #6 (InterDivisional)

McKamikaze Highlanders   58
Mustangs                 79
Dawgs                    99
Bemay Gizzards          113

Pigskin Pipsqueaks       69
The Outlanders          145 

Cheeseheads              47
Missouri Manglers        98
Meek Boys               140  
Butchers                 75

American Looney          88
The Mules               144

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