Current Rosters
Current Standings
League Transactions
League Officers
League Rules
League Schedule
NFL Statistics
NFL Injuries
2001 BFL Draft Order
About the BFL

Letter to the Owners

League Divisions
Vince Lombardi George Halas Tom Landry
McKamikaze Highlanders The Outlanders The Meek Boys
Pigskin Pipsqueaks Missouri Manglers Bemee Gizzards
The Dawgs The Butchers American Looney
Cheeseheads The Mules The Mustangs

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Playoffs

A Unique Fantasy Football League

Click a year for history: 1999 2000
In the beginning...
The league was originally the brainchild of Ron Deremiah. Ron posted his desire to start a fantasy football league to the sports discussion list, StatLg-L, June, 1991. The league was formed shortly after that and began play that season.

Past BFL Champions
1991Kamikaze Scotsmen
def Dawgs
*Scott Kitchen
1992Meek Boys
def Bemay Gizzards
*Robert Meek
1993Meek Boys
def Dawgs
*Robert Meek
1994Meek Boys
def Dawgs
*Robert Meek
1995West Texas Mustangs
def Pigskin Pipsqueaks
Will Looney
def Meek Boys
*Ron Deremiah
def Missouri Manglers
Mark Terry
def Pigskin Pipsqueaks
Mark Terry
def Meek Boys
Mark Terry
2000Meek Boys
def The Outlanders
Robert Meek
* Original league members