Current Rosters
Current Standings
League Transactions
League Officers
League Rules
League Schedule
NFL Statistics
NFL Injuries
2001 BFL Draft Order
About the BFL

Letter to the Owners

League Divisions
Vince Lombardi George Halas Tom Landry
McKamikaze Highlanders The Outlanders The Meek Boys
Pigskin Pipsqueaks Missouri Manglers Bemee Gizzards
The Dawgs The Butchers American Looney
Cheeseheads The Mules The Mustangs

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Playoffs

A Unique Fantasy Football League

Meek Boys
BFL Score Calculator

Owner: Robert Meek @Home
Robert Meek @Work
'92,'93,'94,& 00 Champs
Phone: H: 972-613-6011
W: 972-216-3270
Alternate email:
Home email
            Meek Boys                     
            QB     Payton Manning          Ind
            RB     Marshall Faulk          Stl
            RB     Lamar Smith             Mia 
            WR     Eric Moulds             Buf
            WR     Marvin Harrison         Ind
            WR     Marty Booker            Chi
            PK     Matt Stover             Bal
            DS     Tampa Bay               Bucs
            QB     Doug Flutie             SDC
            PK     Olindo Mare             Mia 
            WR     Oronde Gadsen           Mia
            WR     James Thrash            Phi
            RB     Correl Buckhalter       Phi