Current Rosters
Current Standings
League Transactions
League Officers
League Rules
League Schedule
NFL Statistics
NFL Injuries
2001 BFL Draft Order
About the BFL

Letter to the Owners

League Divisions
Vince Lombardi George Halas Tom Landry
McKamikaze Highlanders The Outlanders The Meek Boys
Pigskin Pipsqueaks Missouri Manglers Bemee Gizzards
The Dawgs The Butchers American Looney
Cheeseheads The Mules The Mustangs

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Playoffs

A Unique Fantasy Football League

The Outlanders
BFL Score Calculator

Owner: John Rogus
Phone: H: 517-796-1542
W: 517-353-4420 x 298
Alternate email: work mail
The Outlanders vs Mules

Jake Plummer        QB  Cardinals 
David Terrell       WR  Bears
Stacy Mack          RB  Jaguars    
Eddie George        RB  Titans
Isaac Bruce         WR  Rams   
David Boston        WR  Cardinals     
Martin Grammatica   PK  Bucs       
Cleveland           DS  Browns

Jerome Pathon       WR  Colts
New York            DS  Giants
Jerome Bettis       RB  Steelers

Terrell Davis       RB  Broncos


Daunte Culpepper    QB  Vikings