
[Weyr] [Stats] [Childhood] [Candidate] [Hatchling] [Weyrling] [Adult] [Ryslen Weyr]

As you stumble about, looking for the firelizard eggs, you wonder which weyr it was that you were supposed to go to.  Desperately, you stumble into a small weyr, where a young boy of around fifteen or so stares back at you.  "'Hello," He says, nodding his head slightly and showing no amazement that you just stumbled into his weyr. 

"Um, yeah," You reply, turning back to leave the weyr.  "Do you know where the firelizard eggs are?" You inquire suddenly.

"They've been gone a while," He says.  "That's where I got Follie."

And she is the most annoying thing that I have ever layed eyes on, Someone says, and you spin around, looking for the source of the voice.

"Lokioth, quit annoying the visitors!" The boy laughs.  "That's my bronze dragon.  I am N'ral."

"You mean...  You ride a dragon?" You asked, feeling a little bit of hope coming into your voice.

"Yes," N'ral replies.  "Why else would I have an elidded name?"

You introduce yourself to N'ral, and as you're about to leave the weyr, he calls out.  "Hold up a second!"

"What?" You ask, sighing deeply.  Now you're going to have to go back to your Hold, enitrely flitter-less.  N'ral isn't really helping to improve your attitude any.

"There's almost always wild clutches out on the beach at
Rohlen Hold," He says, and you smile softly.  You might be able to get that flit after all!  "You could go and look if you wanted to.  Well, later, because you also said that you're an Archivist, right?"  You nod your head.  "Well, wouldn't it please the MasterHarper if you came back with something about someone?  You did say that you needed research."

"You mean that I could interview you?" You ask N'ral excitedly.  This would definately be an excellant way to kill two birds with one stone. 

"Yeah, but you definately have to go and see Lokioth, as well," N'ral replies, and you smile, whipping out your pad of parchment, and begin to record everything that he tells you.

] [Stats] [Childhood] [Candidate] [Hatchling] [Weyrling] [Ryslen Weyr]