Transfers and Such

Weyr] [Childhood] [Candidacy] [Hatchling] [Weyrling] [Adult] [Stats] [Ryslen Weyr]

N'ral tightened the straps on his bronze's flying gear, cursing himself for not replacing it sooner.  "Sorry about that," He said, tossing the old gear aside.

Looking up at his bronze, N'ral was glad that what his bronze had said when they were weyrlings was true.  He had grown quite a bit, and although Yainolith would always be bigger than the bronze, he had become one of the bigger dragons.

It is alright.  Do not worry. The bronze gently lowered his head down, and N'ral stood on tip-toes to scratch Lokioth's eyeridges.

"Well, Lok, we've got two choices: stay here at Ryslen or transfer to another Weyr," N'ral said, wondering what he would of done a Turn and a half ago when he Impressed Lokioth.  Back then he'd been fourteen, with horrible descision making skills, and now he was sixteen, more worried about the consequences of his actions.  "What do you think?"

I think that they have some very pretty golds at Dark Moon, although the greens at Tarizal are nice, too.  Tails is pretty.

N'ral chuckled slightly.  "Is that all that you worry about, silly guy?  The greens and golds?"

No.  There must also be some pretty gold and green riders for you.  We are going to Tarizal. 

"Well, then," N'ral said, surprised at how sure Lokioth sounded.  "It's off to Tarizal for us.  When would you like to leave?"

Soon.  I want to get on good terms with the greens, Lokioth said, and N'ral gave him a playful swat on his hide.