N'ral and Lokioth

Weyr] [Childhood] [Candidacy] [Hatchling] [Weyrling] [Adult] [Stats] [Ryslen Weyr]

I will still grow to be bigger than all of the others! Lokioth said surely to N'ral as he oiled the bronze's hide.  Lokioth had turned out to be the smaller of the two bronze hatchlings, and he was rivaled by the larger brown clutchmates.  I will, I will, I will!

"Oh, it doesn't matter how big you are," N'ral said, patting Lokioth's muzzle.  "After all, small bronzes can chase greens as well as golds, too!"

I will will WILL be bigger than even Yanolith! Lokioth insisted.  Who, by the way, is a very pretty gold.  You like Qianel, do you not?

N'ral didn't reply to that, although Lokioth could sense the embaressment that was running thorugh his rider's mind.  "So?  Your point is?" N'ral asked, staring hard at Lokioth's hide and oiling it more.  "Anyways, we need to concentrate on our flying skills, not gold dragons and goldriders.  Wyand, my cousin, got Searched for the next clutch, and we could help her with the conveyance to her weyr.  What do you think?"

It will make me stronger, which will in turn make me bigger.  Yes, we shall do that.  It will be nice to help her, anyways.

Lokioth's Stats:
Age: Weyrling
Personality: A very helpful little bronze, Lokioth is smitten with the gold Yanolith, which is influencing N'ral into likeing Qiamel.  He has a strong will, and becomes angry whenever someone comments on his smaller than average size.
Ablitites: A strong flier, now that he's had practice getting N'ral's cousin Wyand up to her weyr whenever she needs it.  The rest of him is still developing.
Mate: N/A
Children: N/A