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Japanese Food

Main Menu
  1. Chinese Food

  2. Peranakan Food

  3. Malay Food

  4. Indian Food

  5. Others inclusive of Italian, Japanese and Thailand Food

  6. Queer Food

  7. Places where you can find good food

  8. Survey

  9. Introduction of the six chefs

  10. Acknowledgements

coffee cup
Singaporeans have a "kiasu" taste bud. The term "kiasu" is a dialect(Hokkien) word which means "afraid to lose". As a Singaporean, I must admit that I go on food sprees, not because of the low cost, but for the sake of trying something out.

The "kiasu" taste bud I am referring to adds on to why we consider "Food" a local specialty in Singapore. From the increasing number of food outlets sprouting out from this tiny island, we can see that Singaporeans place a considerable amount of emphasis on food. The food that Japanese use in cooking is similar to that of used by the Chinese and Malay use, for example, tauhu (soft silky beancurd), rice, vermicelli or tunghun (an Italian pasta) just to name a few. This is why Japanese food is also welcomed by Singaporeans.

Picture of sushi in bamboo mat
A characteristic which Japanese food have is that the food echos the seasons. Nowadays, although we are able to produce almost any ingredients at any time of the year, Japanese cuisine still changes with the seasons.

Each season is celebrated with special dishes. Not only do ingredients change with the seasons, there is also seasonal variation in cooking methods, even in garnishes.

Singaporeans are health-conscious and thus they show interest in Japanese Food. The Japanese have healthy cooking methods. As I have mentioned earlier on, Japanese cuisine is reputed for being very healthy. Furthermore, when compared to the use of oil in Chinese cooking, Japanese cuisine is often termed as 'water based cuisine'. Apart from some deep fried dishes, most contain no oil at all.

You will now be introduced to two Japanese recipes.
  1. Sushi (Rice Balls)

    Picture of Sushi (Rice Balls)

  2. Tempura

    Picture of Tempura

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