This page was
last updated on
April 10, 2003.

What follows is a table of all the Whale and Dolphin species known to me (which might not be all of them, I don't claim for an instant to know them all). At this point I'm only planning on creating information pages on the Dolphin species, not the whale species since this is a primarily Dolphin site. If there is enough call for it, I may consider doing the Whale pages in the future as well. For now I am only including their names for those people who wish to see where Dolphins fit into the hiarchy of things.

Note: several words contain links to their respective definitions in the Cetacean Glossary.

I am still in the process of completing the individual pages for each species. Those indicated with a are the ones which I have completed. If you are looking for a specific one please Email me and I will try to get that one done next.

MYSTICETI Balaenidae:
     Bowhead Whale
     Right Whale
     Blue whale
     Bryde's whale
     Fin whale
     Humpback whale
     Minke whale
     Sei whale
     Gray whale
     Pygmy right whale
ODONTOCETI Delphinidae:
     Atlantic spotted dolphin
     Atlantic white-sided dolphin
     Bottlenose dolphin
     Bridled dolphin
     Chilean dolphin
     Clymene dolphin
     Commersons's dolphin
     Common dolphin
     Dusky dolphin
     Fraser's dolphin
     Heaviside's dolphin
     Hector's dolphin
     Hourglass dolphin
     Humpback dolphin
     Northern right whale dolphin
     Pacific white-sided dolphin
     Peale's dolphin
     Risso's dolphin
     Rough toothed dolphin
     Southern right whale dolphin
     Spinner dolphin
     Striped dolphin
     Tucuxi dolphin
     White beaked dolphin
     False killer whale
     Killer whale
     Long-finned pilot whale
     Melon-headed whale
     Pygmy killer whale
     Short-finned pilot whale
     Dwarf sperm whale
     Pygmy sperm whale
     Irrawaddy dolphin
     Burmeister's porpoise
     Dall's porpoise
     Finless porpiose
     Harbor porpoise
     Spectacled porpoise
     Sperm whale
     Amazon river dolphin
     Chinese river dolphin
     La Plata river dolphin
     Ganges river dolphin
     Indus river dolphin
     Andrew's beaked whale
     Arnoux's beaked whale
     Baird's beaked whale
     Blainville's beaked whale
     Cuvier's beaked whale
     Gervais' beaked whale
     Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale
     Gray's beaked whale
     Hector's beaked whale
     Hubb's beaked whale
     Longman's beaked whale
     Northern bottlenose whale
     Shepherd's beaked whale
     Southern bottlenose whale
     Sowerby's beaked whale
     Stejneger's beaked whale
     Strap-toothed whale
     True's beaked whale

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