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Chat with other wiccans, magicians, pagans, witches at The Coven. Non-Java free chat room.

Acoyauh is the Aztec word for "to look up" or "to look beyond", meaning study or self improvement.
As an organization, we are not 'married' to any magick school in particular, although we have specialists in many of the disciplines covered here. We study and analyze as many as we can, by seeking and following myths, lore, traditions and customs of practically any culture.
We try to compare these myths with similar ones from other parts of the world. Some concepts about natural magick and metaphysics seem to be universal, regardless of geographical place or time where they originated. These common concepts are where we concentrate the most, trying to get to the bottom and find the fundamental truth inside. We will include sections on this subject in our pages to help you get a better understanding of magick. Our community is commited to the search of knowledge on many disciplines, most of which will be covered here. The usually covered subjects are:

>Basics of Magick
Traditional Mexican Brujeria
Herb Lore
Spells and other Nagual tricks
Books to read
Myths & lore around the magick of several cultures
Message Board

Chat with other magicians and witches at The Coven. Non-Java free chat room.

If there's anything you would like to see in this page, E-mail us.

Questions, problems and experiences posted here or E-mailed to us are internally handled to the most adequate members, then the most interesting subjects may generate the posting of answers, comments or whatever applies. The original sender/poster of the messages is not displayed here unless specifically requested by the sender.

Our search is for truth & knowledge, NOT MONEY. Never pay anyone asking for money on Acoyauh's behalf.

Please come back soon, we'll be adding new sections during the following weeks, and updating the existing ones.



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