Nagual spells

A Nagual is an incredibly powerful being. They are the guardians of traditions and knowledge kept for thousands of years. They are the only ones that keep intact the old traditions of Brujeria, Natural Magic and parallel realities, among lots of other knowledge. The power of a Nagual is such, it is said that they won't die until they decide to do so, when this material environment doesn't offer any more development for them.
Obviously, learning a few spells won't turn you into a Nagual. True Nagualism is accomplished through a lifetime of physical and mental hard, hard work. Usually, you can't be a Nagual AND be something else; what I mean is you have to be dedicated, full time, to your training. And you need a true Nagual to take care of your training, too; you won't learn it from any books (or internet pages, eiter).
What we intend here, is to take some of the practical aspects of this ancient discipline that you can take into your normal, everyday life.


Everybody's got a past. No matter how nice a life you've had, there's lots of events back there that are drinking up your energy. Actually, you're letting them consume it without realizing it. All the grudges you hold, rancors, regrets and other nasty episodes in your past will continue to drain you until you let them go.
'Letting go' means to come to terms with them, manage those feelings so that they stop bugging you once and for all. You won't forget them, all right; It's just that wou will no longer care. You'll close them and move on. If you don't, they'll keep acting as anchors or weights that you drag along, slowing your progress or stopping it altogether.
Many mystical disciplines have this practice as fundamental. It is called by different names and practiced in slightly different ways by most of these disciplines:
Carlos Castaneda's school call it Recapitulation, taking it a little too far for my taste. We believe that getting rid of your human feelings doesn't improve anybody's life; it makes you less than human, in some ways. Also, total disregard for the world and people around you will make anyone a very unhappy island. Trust me - I've been there.
Connie Mendez's books of Metaphysics face the problem in a much more reasonable and less drastic way.
Wiccans, Enochians, Rosacrucians, Taoists and many others have their own ways to skin this cat, all very similar in concept, different in practice according to their own paths.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Trascendental Meditation will do a big part of this work for you, at a sub-conscious level.

So, what are WE going to do about it? Well, let's take it by steps.
If you're already practicing Meditation, cool. If you're not, take a look at This and start practicing, along with the following exercises.

Sit confortably in some quiet, isolated place. Relax, breathe deeply several times and start meditating.
After a while, start thinking of some past event that bothers you in any way. Whether it is near- or far-past makes no difference, you choose. Start reviewing the event, exactly as it happened; review your feelings and thoughts at the moment as thoroughly as you can. Review it as many times as necessary, until it has lost most or all of its power over you - repetition can do that to anything, it eventually becomes boring and senseless. Taking a step back, mentally, and reviewing it from an outside perspective might also help.
Once the event has lost its importance and you've given it it's proper perspective (namely - left in the past), you can then end your romance with it. If you think about it, that's about what a shrink will do for you.
At this point, Castaneda suggests to breate in deeply on the mental image, taking back all the energy you left back there.
Most new age disciplines will use an Athame (knife) or scissors to symbolically cut your links with the event, cutting the 'draining lines' that were taking your energy away.
Connie Mendez addresses it in the lines of "I now withdraw my energy, you're unimportant to me now".
Personally, I use a combination of the above or simply turn my back on it and disregard it from there on; depends on what I'm working on.
Note that it is important to actually ignore it and not to care about it anymore; if you can't, work on it a little more. Remember that we all have a small (or huge) masochistic spot in us that won't let go. Be aware of this and don't let the little sicko get away with it. You're stronger than... you?... hmm... your lower you. Yup.
That's it.
You will get rid of lots of psychological (and energetical) baggage this way, leaving you to work and live more peacefully and just carry on.
Try to do this work for one to two hours a day and you'll see a difference in no time.

The Blue Armor

Now this is a neat one. Picture yourself as a bowl or glass full of energy. If you do meditation or other energy workings the glass will be full to the rim. As you go along in your everyday life you're spilling and splashing carelessly your very important energy anywhere.
You radiate it everywhere, everytime you get angry, sad, worried, stressed; you waste lots of energy, pointlessly pouring it into things that aren't worth it.
How do you avoid it? Well, Detachment will help you preserve lots of energy, and Meditation will help you recharge it.
As for your everyday waste of energy, what we do is wear a Blue Armor. This is a complex spell, but if you work on it, you will be able to manage it.
All of us has an Aura, a field of energy all around and inside our bodies. Ths field radiates constantly and changes shape and color depending on our moods, health and other factors. Mirror Magick (sorry, no page ready for this yet) will help you see it.
You can learn to control the radiations of your Aura. You must learn first to visualize it. After some practice on this, you then start forcing it inwards, so that it becomes a very thin veil around you, as thin as you can. Limiting it's span will limit the waste of energy.
Once you have it, now turn it blue. Just visualize it as an even, bright electric blue; this will work to protect you from outside influences AND keep your own energy inside.
As explained in the Meditation page, controlling your thoughts and emotions is most of what you need to keep yourself safe and charged.

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