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Refining your Page

How to insert a Fancy First Letter.

Before starting off to refine your page make sure that you have arrived to this point. If you have not arrived up to this stage, please refer to pages 8 and 9 and continue from there.
Figure 8

Step 1.Resize your text frames and the picture frame to look more or less like figure 8.

The resizing pointers are shown on page 6.

Step 2 :Fancy first letter:

fancy letter

1. Select the text frame (1) where you want your Fancy First Letter to Appear.

2. Select Format (1) from the menu bar

3. Select Fancy First Letter (2)

format dialogue box
fancy letter dialogue box

Next the dialogue box on the left appears. It automatically shows the first letter in the chosen paragraph. Use the scroll bar to go through the available range.

4.Click on an appropriate style (1) and

5. Select OK (2)

fancy letter style

The fancy letter should look like this.

If you have any difficulties, please e-mail me at: zammitellu@Hotmail.com next page