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If you're interested in seeing pictures of the class of 2001, then you've come to the right place. As many of the photos are colour, it may take a while for them to load up on your computer.
Thankyou to everyone that's given us your photos.
If you'd like to give us some more pictures during the holidays, please send them to one of us (Jhilik or Ness). 

~thanks! Hugs from Ness and Jhilik.

Well what can i say, everybody i know loves these two guys.
In about year 8 i was bestfriends with Louise, in fact she's the reason why i have the friends that i have now. Everyone seems to love louise basically because she's just so nice. I'm happy to call her one of my friends.
Rachel she's the best if your ever feeling down she just has to smile at you and then your felling better. I must admit that i'll remember her best as a fairy (at Crystal's and Elizabeth's 17th birthday) she was the cutest. ;)