October 30, 2003

Hi, All ! it's been so long that we haven't updated this site. We're very sorry for that. We have some certain issues in our band, that we have to deal with, so it's been kinda busy for us. Now, we have a official statement that we think that you should know, here it goes :

As of September 2003, Yoko , Anto Sony, and Rikky has been resigned from 5 Watt. The reason of the resigning was strictly our own matter, we only can tell that there is no personal problem related to this event. We're still the best of friends, but not in the same band anymore. The point that we're trying to make is.. WE ARE NOT BREAKING UP as a band, 5 Watt still exist and 'till this second are still looking for new members.

Now , 5 Watt has recruited two new members, Yudi as our new Guitarist, and Rama as our new Drummer, for additional info, we will tell you later. Stop keep in touch with us, by emailing us for more info.

March 5, 2003
5 Watt has done the interview with Mustang FM, what a great night that is ! We have an interesting night with Arief from Mustang, thanx for the great hospitality, and the great haunted stories about the Mustang's office that make us go nuts !
For a sneak peek of things we did in Mustang, just click on the small thumbnail above. Find some interesting sightings there, and who knows, perhaps you will see some 'things' in the picture that we missed. hehehe, just watch out !!

March 5, 2003

We're very sorry for the wrong news we gave you last week, the interview in Mustang is delayed a week. So you can still hear us in Mustang tomorrow night, March 6th. Here it is again the news :

5 Watt will go in an interview live at Mustang FM tomorrow night at 21.00 PM WIB. Check out, where they will perform live with a previously unreleased song, can't wait can you ? so tune in to Mustang FM tomorrow night, so you can hear the guys laugh at each other's face, seriously, it will be a hilarious event. See ya on air !

By the way, last sunday we've played at 32 Senior High School, on a reunion show or something, the show is not so good at all, but the crowd and the girls, man....the girls we're terribly AWESOME!! Great ones ! Check out the Journal for the show reviews.

Well, hello again guys. The trip to Studio K went absolutely ruined. The recording operator was absent so they cancelled the recording session, oh bitch! There goes another long trip to nothing. Seriously, you can not imagine what's it like riding a motorbike from Ciledug to Pondok Gede with all it's dust, pollutions and stuffs like that but when you got there, there's no one taking care in the studio. It's a bit dissapointing.


February 17th, 2003

February 14th, 2003

Welcome to the all new 5 Watt Website. We bring you tons of cool features for you to enjoy. Anyway, it's been awhile since i've update the site, so one day i thought to myself instead of updating the site, why don't i renovate all the pages and make a new look, so after a couple of days designing, voila ! the art has done. Enjoy!

For the 5 Watt news, well there's nothing much to it, we're planning to do a demo live at Studio K in Pondok Gede, 3 hours seems a lot of time just for demo tape, but i guess it's worth it. By the way, it's the first time Sony do a recording with 5 Watt, I hope he didn't have a nervous breakdown or something like that.

February 14th, 2003

5 Watt has released a new set of clothing for girls only, yup! for girls only, but if you just one of the boys who likes to wear girls clothes and proud of your belly, well, you can ordered it too, be my guest. But if your the kind of boys who likes to give a present to his girl in exchange for some nice make out in your bedroom, well this clothes is for you too! This clothes is the ultimate valentine gift for your sweethearts. For more info just send email to mail5watt@yahoo.com or you can contact Rikky, our management guy. Hurry it's a limited valentine edition, please it's only 3 clothes left !

For you the upset-boy-who-want-a-cool-5 Watt-shirt-but-can't-get-one-his-size, worry not boys! we've still have 3 pieces of clothes left and it's an all-size shirts ! yipee! For ordering please contact the address above.

Website Design by : xpatxpatx

all images and text © 5 Watt Media