Here is some Frequently Asked Questions that our fans loves to ask over and over and over again ! Now we're going to somehow answer it , so please cut it out with the silly questions ok ?

1. I want to book you guys to play in my high-school show next month, where can i contact you ?
If this is your first time visiting this site, and you just click straight to the faq page link, then you should notice that there's a CONTACT page just to the left of the faq link, there you can find info on how to contact us. Still confuse? (do you really go to high school?), then write us :
2. What's with the name '5 Watt' anyway ? i mean what's that suppose to mean ?
When we first came up with names for our band well, it's kinda hard, so we just picked this corny name 5 Watt as our friend Yudhi told us to use. So, having tired to think of band names we've agreed to use that name, there's nothing special about it. But according to Yoko, 5 Watt means 'with the small power we're lighting up the darkness around us' ( yeah, whatever )
3. Who is Ucok ? Why do you wrote song about him ?
Ucok is our friend here in Taman Asri, he's nice but kind of a weird guy. Maybe you don't get it, but you'll understand why we wrote songs about him if one day you see him in person, trust me, you'll understand perfectly. Pat was not yet with us when we first wrote 'Ucok Haus', so he likes to ask annoying questions about 'who is ucok' and stuff like that, but after finally saw Ucok in person, he quite understand what we're talking about.
4. I want to interview 5 Watt and publish it on my newsletter/website/fanzine/magazine, do you have time for this ?
Of course we have time for that ! just email us on how this interview will take place, when and where. If you live outside Jakarta and think that it's hard to reach us in person, you can send us the questions and we'll happily answered it in no time. But if you just really really dying to have an interview with us in person, so you can have a 'meet and greet' session with us, you can contact our management guy, Rikky and he'll arrange the meeting, please refer to the contact page above. Here's our email address as we never bored to tell you :
5. You guys are just so damn cute, do you have any girlfriend or maybe....boyfriend ?
Maybe we're not rockstars, but in terms of girls, we're always been a shining stars for them ( you can puke now ! ) . Pat is now have a long-term relationship with his lovely girl and it's been about 2 years now ( ooh please don't cry like that girls ! ). Yoko has just dated someone for about a month now, Sony too is living happily with his romance. Now it's left to Arie and Anto, who's till this moment still couldn't find any luck with girls. So, they all yours girls ! Consumed them ! be our guest !
6. Your website looks so so stupid and lame!
Well so do you, jackass! If you think this website is ugly, try to make a better 5 Watt website then tell us, maybe we'll hire you ! This website has never meant to be super-cool-design website with cute animation. Pat the designer, is not a professional web designer, he's a self learner and never take a course on web designing. It just happens that he has time to do make-over on the old site, and judging that the bandwidth in Indonesia are so damn low, he don't use much images on this site, and keep it simple.
7. What do you do besides playing in the band ?
Yoko is studying Economy at Trisakty University, Pat and Sony are both taking degrees on Computer Science at University of Budi Luhur. Anto is learning at Moestopo University in the Social-Politics Faculty. As for Arie, our superman, he works at Mcdonald's while studying Accounting at Moestopo University, while playing at some Hockey club! tough guy!
8. Hey what happen to your old email address ? why do you change it ? Because i've send thousands of e-mail to your old address, do you still use it ?
We come to the conclusion to have another fresh e-mail address, because the old address is full of junk and spam and it is being used for some illegal stuff by someone who hijacked that e-mail address. But, don't worry we still ocasionally open it to see incoming mails. But for now on we have only one official e-mail address and it is ( for you who haven't bored yet ) :
9. What is your type of music anyway ? punk ? rock ? emo ? pop-punk ? what ?
Actually we don't like to put our music in some conditional place where you can define as exact as it can be like punk, rock, metal, whatever. We do of course have many influence from punk rock bands, but we don't like to say to ourselves that we're more punk than your stuff and go with the quest to be one true punkrock star here in Jakarta. We play this kind of music cause we loved it, and our music is one of a kind, maybe you can call it whatever you want, but for us it's still a fun-rockin-craze-punkrock music.
10. Hey, why is every pictures on your PHOTOS section are so damn small, i can't even barely see it ?

We decided to place small pictures on it for saving time uploading it because large pictures equals large file size, we have so many pictures and we can't afford to uploading it in a large size, it takes too much time, and you know how much it cost to use a modem with a phone line in Indonesia right ? it cost a fortune! Then again i believed with a large picture, you too must have a bit of time to open/view it right ? So if your not satisfied with the small pictures, I tell you what, send us e-mail regarding what pictures you want to see in a large size, we will send it to you personally via your e-mail address, happy now ?

©2003 5 Watt Media